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Forgive me I have sinned and

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok like a dirty MP - I can no longer keep this facade up, I need to fess up as it is now causing a little bit *redface*


Llentil does live with me but only in my imagination, she is not and never was real. I do not have a barn with a name plaque over it saying "The Delbert Suite", it was all as imaginary as the hedgehog flying squadron.


I personally blame the system that shed runs under where people can have made up names and actions, I just had a made up llama *eek* - after Ian so kindly asked what I was doing in the shed at 3.30am - it seemed like a good idea at the time *confused*


I don't believe I have broken any shed rules but obviously will "pay back" any postings I have made about llama's.


Finally now I have done my penance, I wish this whole matter to be put behind me and would just like to add that RoyH was complicit in the shed deception and so should be judged upon the court of public justice as well.




(a very humble) Dickie

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