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Before The Comet Struck


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Back in the heady days of 2004-2005 when I was a mere twinkle in my mother's eyes......


There appear to have been a lot of people posting on here some with considerable wit humour and observation. Presumably the change to Members Only has made a big difference to that.


I can only assume that it must have been a very big debate at the time.


One thing that does appear to have changed dramatically is the number of postings.


Even if someone such as myself places something amazinly witty and pertinent on the forum (especially down here) there is often a tumbleweed time before people start to respond.


This is a shame because it lacks continuity.


Dare I say that it looks like some of the sparkle has gone; and that also appears to be alluded to in some posts.


But what do I know? I wasnt there at the time and presumably it's only the more notable posts that are resurrected.


So for those of you far older and grayer than myself and were around during those times.... what is your perception of then and now?




Are we the last of the many?




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There are less agressive arguments now..... so that is better.

Some of the whit has gone.... so that is worse.

Some of the arguments get closed down quickly, without the right to free speach.... so that is worse.


I guess it is just a different time, with different people.


Oh, by the way, the reason we have less posts is that Wile is having to work for a living at the moment. *tongue*

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I did wonder that the olden times might be more agressive, hence the following before every Post Reply Box: "Please remember, you are responsible for what you post. Don't jeopardise BlatChat by posting something which may be taken as libelous, defamatory or offensive".


Lesley, are we less witty? I dunno, maybe. Not having been there in those heady times, I am not the right person to answer that question. But Cagey's posting appears to suggest that, and from what I've seen of the old postings I would agree.


I suspect that there was a lot more fire then, many more personal and abusively personal comments, perhaps. More people inputting, and feeding off each other, not just for arguements sake but, for example, for threads that appear in the shed too.


In a sense I wish I had been there. to see what it was like in those times.




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The abuse has gone and that's a good thing.


The arguments/debates are just not there anymore. To see what I mean look here


I think there was another long thread before that date. It may have been removed because someone said some very nasty, personal, things on it. Not insults as such but glad someones parents had died. The same person also wished someones son dead because he was in the army serving in the Iraq war.


It those people we can do without.


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven toThe French Blatting Company Limited

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The urbane banter and clever wordsmiths of the shed from years gone by have gone to be replaced with a level of crudity that even makes me blush sometimes


Hey ho We only get what we put in and to be honest thats why I'm not putting in the £42:50 at the end of the month


I drink to make you seem intresting

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Roy have you seen some of the old threads that have been labelled 'the good old days' !!?? They're a definite case of 'you had to be there' to appreciate them!!!


And there are definitely still some very witty posters on here you just have to find the right threads. I admit I used to miss Noger's input but there are other people now posting that amuse me in different ways.


Actually what I have found interesting from the old threads is that many who originally posted extensively in the sheds had moved to just chitchat by the time I started. I don't know the reason for that but many people post during the day at work and certainly now I doubt they have that luxury anymore - although for me, I posted more when I was working than now, when I don't. I guess it's generally a case that circumstances change. It's only a bad thing if you interpret it as such.


I was told it was much better before I started nearly three year's ago but then I've seen threads from 6 year's ago saying the same thing ... so I know it isn't entirely my fault!! *smokin*



Edited by - WindyCat on 5 Apr 2009 23:37:54

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Great to see you back Norm! *wavey* How's the lovely Lyn & her FP?


Anyone fancy a game of Mornington Crescent? 😬


“May you - work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no-one's watching, screw like it's being filmed and drink like an Irishman”
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I'll see your Elephant & Castle and raise you Piccadilly Circus *cool*


Mornin' Mr T...lovely day *smile*


“May you - work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no-one's watching, screw like it's being filmed and drink like an Irishman”
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Sneaky BB *nono* - applying the Hungo-Prussian convention of 1829...very cunning 😬


“May you - work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no-one's watching, screw like it's being filmed and drink like an Irishman”
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