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Dive shaft joints


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I need to replace the outer nearside driveshaft gaiter on my de-dion 7. I have the boot kit - how do I get the joint apart?! I don't really want to use the cone-fit slip-over gaiter type...

Any advice gratefully received!

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Help! No replies! Hopefully nobody fooled by the typo in topic..! I can't be only one with a perished drive shaft gaiter - starting to think I'm only 1 foolish enough to think I can replace it. Caterham told me they replace the whole shaft due to the labour hourly rate they charge not making anything else worthwhile. But they said it was straightforward enough to do as a homer...

I have the drive shaft out and the joint apart but still have the joint 'spider' on the end of the shaft - and it won't budge! Should it not just pull off the splines...? Need to get it off to put new gaiter & can on shaft.

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Hi Steve


As you've realised, if you can get the spider off then no probs changing the boot. Is there a circlip or suchlike? Have you tried knocking the spider off the splined shaft (in case it is held on by an internal spring clip or is an interference fit) ?


Or if the other end is disassembled, does the spider at that end come off? (Although it would be a shame to disturb the boot at the other end unnecessarily)


Some on BC have done the job....






My comments about getting the spider off were made shortly after having one of my CV joints apart so I could see the spider, but I did not actually change the boot at that time. I can't remember exactly what it looks like (memory fade ? *redface* ) Steve foster, in his posting, reckons that the spider needs driving off with a flat tipped cold chisel.


Good luck







*tongue*There's no such thing as too much IQ per Pound 😬


Edited by - 6speedmanual on 4 Apr 2009 20:44:22

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You can remove the spider with a drift and light hammer blows, be sure to mark its position on the splines before you remove. I now prefer to use a 3 legged pulley drawer to remove the spider available from Machine Mart for a tenner. A filthy job enjoy 😬
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Thanks guys. There's no circlip - so either internal spring clip or most likely just an interference fit I imagine. But - there must be some interference! I started with light blows, moved onto heavy - and have tried a 3-leg puller. And yet it still doesn't budge...

Will visit my local garage tomorrow - maybe they have a more substantial puller & will call caterham to see if they can shed any light...

Other than getting this off - the job hasn't been too bad...!

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Just done mine at the weekend - the spider was loctited on - no circlip whatsoever.



Needed a 3 legged puller wound up with quite a bit of force to get them off. Used a 1/2" drive socket and and extension to drift them back on again with a lump hammer!!



I changed all 4 but only split 2 joints and replaced 2 of the metal cans.



Other than that make sure you have a LARGE box of disposable gloves and several lots of kitchen roll - that moly grease is a PITA and gets everywhere.




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Thanks Ian. Finally got it off last night utilising a large vice at my work, a blind chisel with bigger hammer and then a puller to finish...

I did get what appears to be slivers of metal come from betwen the spider and the shaft - did you get same? I'm a little concerned!

There is a radial groove on the shaft splines but nothing internally on the spider. So am I ok to just knock the spider back on with locktite do you think? I have a feeling it's going to be tight going back on!

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mine also had the groove that ends up under the spider. They were both an interference fit - might be worth freezing the driveshaft and warming up the spider!


Only other thing I'd recommend is cleaning up the splines on both items with meths or something similar to de-grease them.


I managed on my own but an extra pair of hands would be useful when drifting them back together.



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