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Confirmation of Goodwood entry received


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As this will be my first ever sprint am I now on a slippery slope to addiction, upgrades etc? 😬


What advice would you all give to someone on their first sprint i.e preparation, on arrival, etc, you know all the silly little stuff that you worry about because it's your first time *eek* 😳 *redface*


Chris Alston

C7CAT 1800 Supersprint

R248 *tongue* ....and then I jumped in *eek*

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Chris - best advice is get a buddy to help you through, either someone you know or someone in your class to help you through the day and for prep, which class are you in?


but a couple of things


1. relax and enjoy the day

2. check you have all your documents and stuff in a wallet and easy to find, don't forget your race license , it is expensive on the day as I found out

3. try and make sure the car is all sorted a week in advance, things like head restraints, yellow tape on battery cables, your master switch really works etc


also got my confirmation, better get cracking on all those things



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I suggest you get an experienced sprinter local to you to cheeck the car over before the first event to minimise the chances of having any problems at scruitineering. Some people choose to prepare a checklist of things to take with them including race licence, MoT, Insurance, competitors registration card (to be sent out soon), overalls, helmet, timing strut, race numbers, race boots, petty strut, steering wheel and cut off switch (yes I know someone who set off for Llandow with the their car on the trailer leaving them on the kitchen worktop) etc.


Please read the final instructions (you will be surprised how many don't) and make sure you arrive in plenty of time especially if travelling on the morning of the event as sods law will dictate a puncture or traffic will delay your arrival and there is nothing worse than rushing around prior to practice.


I will be happy to show you the ropes at Goodwood *thumbup*


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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Chris - Gill and I will be there and the Calverts too.

Some other tips:

1. Have as much of the car prepared as possible - I assume you are trailering so you can have it all set up before hand. As we drive we have to fit timing strut, numbers, remove windscreen, etc. as soon as we get there.

2. Sign on as soon as you get there - get's it out the way.

3. Make sure you know how scrutineering will be done - at some places they come to you, others you go to them either 1st come 1st serve or, in some cases, in class order.

I was a bit pannicky at my first event but the reality is you will have plenty of time to do everything you need to.



Yellow SL *cool* #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing

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and another thing


when you get to scrutinneering, tell the scrutineer it is your first event and ask him to tell you what he is looking for and why, they are usually very helpful


and also remember a pound (i think it is still that value) as the scrutineer has to put an MSA sticker on your helmet to say it has been validated the first time, even though they will always check *thumbup*

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No new here. was it e-mail or post?




Found it in my spam folder 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *smokin* *smokin* *smokin* *smokin* *smokin* *smokin* *smokin* *smokin*


Edited by - David Nelson on 18 Mar 2009 15:19:31

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Ditto all the above.

The one thing I got caught out with last year was paperwork. You need road tax/insurance/registration/driving license as well as competition license.


And we all need a petty strut or full cage for this year? (or have I got that wrong?)


Plus long list of excuses/thick skin for "banter" if you miss 3rd gear... *redface*



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Thanks everyone some useful tips that I'm sure I wouldn't have considered *thumbup* *thumbup*


Mark, Good advice re getting an experienced sprinter to look over my 7. Problem is, I don't know anyone around Orpington/Kent area that sprints. So I'm wonderng who, if anyone, is fairly close around Surrey or Sussex perhaps. I'd be more than happy to have a blat over to someone.


Any offers please?


Chris Alston

C7CAT 1800 Supersprint

R248 *tongue* ....and then I jumped in *eek*

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Mine in my spam folder too. 😬 😬


Must get my nearside wishbone fitted, red anti roll bar on, camber checked, tracking checked, oil and foam changed and learn how to drive it more quickly........


So much to do! 😬


How many entries does the Club usually get?



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Chris - look forward to seeing you at Goodwood.


For what it is worth, the following is my list of "things to take" - however, being Drowned Rat Racing, we are normally the ones borrowing some of the "nice to haves" like footpumps etc (cheers guys!). With your tow car, you have none of these limitations! No doubt others can add to this list?


Things to take


Final instructions

Circuit map

Club membership card

Sprint championship card (must have)

Helmet (must have)

Race suit (must have)

Timing Strut (must have)

Race numbers (must have)

Head Rest (must have)

Race license (must have)

MOT and Insurance docs (must have – sometimes!)

Driving shoes

Driving gloves

Neck Brace (optional)

Torque wrench and socket for wheel nuts


Engine oil

Tool kit


Foot pump

Tyre pressure gauge

Water/ soft drinks / nibbles


Octane enhancer

Rags & Towel(s)

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