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Anyone for a cheap brake upgrade?


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  • Area Representative

Following my earlier posting on the subject of EBC kevlar brake pads (and an earlier posting entitled "brakes not fade"), it seems they are pretty good but you're well advised to fit EBC discs as they could shag your standard discs. EBC make a disc suitable for the Spitfire hub and although this is far superior to the standard item it is still a solid disc with no ventilation, grooving etc. BUT Colin Cooper at Powerstop Brake Products has come up with a bit of a tempting offer:


Apparently he has persuaded EBC to do a trial production run of "Turbo Groove" discs (a ventilated and grooved design) provided that he can place an initial order for at least 50 discs. The Triumph Sports Six Club has agreed to take 20 discs (s'funny, who would've thought a Triumph Spitfire could go quick enough to need good brakes?) and if we can match that we're in business. For all you smartarses out there (no shortage last time I logged on) yes I do realise that 20 + 20 doesn't make 50 -Powerstop will take the balance to stock.


The regular price would be 44.00 UKP per disc + VAT and p&p @ 7.30 UKP per pair. My feeble grasp of arithmetic tells me that this equates to a total cost of 110.70 UKP per pair delivered.


The good news is that Powerstop will waive the delivery charge on orders of 5 or more pairs of discs to any one address and offer a club discount of 10%. That's a total of 93.06 UKP per pair delivered, a saving of 17.64 UKP. The price for a pair of discs and a set of pads in a package of 5 or more sets to one address is 115.00 UKP, a further saving of 8 quid on the usual price for the pads.


If the demand is there, and I can't believe it won't be, EBC will go ahead with manufacture and the discs should be available during November/December 2000. Payment will not be requested until the discs are ready for despatch but confirmed orders are needed now to get the ball rolling.


Of course you'll want some EBC pads to go with those shiny new discs and Powerstop will do a set of discs and pads for 115.00 UKP inc.VAT and p&p (a further saving of 8.00 UKP over the usual all in mail order price of 29.00 UKP). I'm told that's a fair bit less than a set of pads for Caterham Big Brakes - OK, so they're not in the same league but I if you think I'm about to part with a bag of sand to upgrade my brakes......well let's just say I'm not.


So who wants some? Post your requirements, contact details and area below.


And following in the footsteps of the epic bulk wheel order kicked off by Alex Wong and Rob Morris (bloody good effort you guys - any chance of a re-run?) how about sharing some of the discount with the LRF?


In case you're not yet convinced, check out these fab features of the "Turbo Groove" discs, lifted from the promo blurb:


-CNC machined and fully balanced

-X-Ray crack tested

-Zinc plated and gold passivated (so the area outside the pad

run stays pretty)

-British Made

-30,000km/12 month guarantee (when used with EBC pads)


STOP PRESS: We now have enough interest to get the discs manufactured but need more orders to take full advantage of the extra discount for 5 or more sets to one UK address.




Edited by - Crudders on 1 Sep 2000 03:36:58


Edited by - Crudders on 1 Sep 2000 06:48:14


Edited by - Crudders on 28 Sep 2000 02:18:05

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Sorry to rain on your parade but.... With the cost of standard discs being a reported 14GBP it's not worth worrying about the pads wearing the discs as the discs are half the price of the pads. It's also been quoted to me that being exposed the front brakes run too cool about 40degs whereas the rears run at about 300degs this must contribute to everyones rear brake locking problems and it's this high temp that causes the rear pads to crumble (something I've noticed on my car) I'm wondering about ducting some cooling onto the rear calipers. I assume that grooved ventilated discs run even cooler! Notwithstanding all this the EBC discs do look incredibly sexy and it sounds like a really good deal. So I've asked my mum if I can have some for my Bar mitz var.
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  • Area Representative



Good man, you're on the list. Hopefully there will be plenty of interest from your part of the world.


I now have confirmed orders for 10 discs (some people have e.mailed me directly, off site) so we should be putting in our bulk order to Powerstop some time soon.




EBC claim that the Green Stuff pads are fine with existing part worn discs but a reply from Simon Scott on my original posting about EBC pads stated that he had warped not only his existing discs but also a brand new pair of standard discs. Perhaps the thing to do is try the EBC pads and see how you go. If they warp or wear you haven't lost a great deal but if you then opt for the EBC discs it seems that it is inadvisable to run them with your (by now) part worn Green Stuff pads. It probably depends very much on your driving style at the end of the day.




My quest at the outset was for brakes with more feel. The brake set up in my 7 stops the car quite adequately and since I changed the rear shoes from the original Caterham supplied set I've not had any problems with the rears locking up before the fronts. But the pedal is just sooooooo dead! This is particularly noticeable when swapping between the 7 and an everyday car with servo etc. - you get out of the habit of standing on the brakes and you find yourself thinking "hold on, that car/van/brick wall up ahead really should be further away than that......whoah!". I was hoping that the EBC Green Stuff pads would be the answer to my prayers but as always, things aren't as simple as they first appear. I know the standard discs are cheap (didn't realise they were quite that cheap) but I don't really want to be changing them every 6 months - the car manages to find plenty of other things for me to spend my time on. The EBC Green Stuff pads seem to get the thumbs up from people who've tried them but to get the best out of them better quality discs seem to be the answer. EBC do non ventilated and grooved discs as well for a bit less dosh, but hey, if you're going to upgrade something you may as well go for the gold and shiny option, I think you'll agree.




Hello again. I couldn't help noticing that all your contributions are in the inquisitive. Are you by any chance a Psychoanalyst? If so, do you offer cut price rates to Club members?




Is this true?

Is what true Crudders?

That you talk to yourself.

Oh, that.


Well what?

Do you talk to yourself?

No, there's no truth in that whatsoever.

Thank you for clearing that up for me Crudders.

Not at all Crudders.





Edited by - Crudders on 4 Sep 2000 01:05:44

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You are right, Alton area and beyond probably gives the best roads around here although the road between Lasham and Basingstoke can be entertaining, if a little bum-twitching at times due to the uneven surface. The road down to Goodwood can be fun (if you know where the speed cameras are). Yes I am in Farnborough by the way.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Area Representative

Oops, sorry about the prolonged absence. I seem to have a few replies to catch up with here so I'd better get on with it and cut the rambling (some hope).




I've replied to your e.mail separately but in case anyone else is curious...


I changed my rear brake shoes to standard Morris Ital rear shoes by Girling Lockheed. This wasn't an upgrade as such, just a maintenance job. The new shoes might have improved feel slightly but the main benefit was the rear brakes no longer locking up before the fronts, and no more involuntary pant filling hanbrake turns. The reference for these shoes is MGR36 (actually a Mintex reference number) and they came from Kent Motor Factors in Eltham (020 8850 2164). They tend to keep quality brands and will usually offer a trade discount with a little persuasion.


A few people have e.mailed me asking whether EBC do upgraded rear brakes. The answer is yes but my advice is to avoid them unless you're sure that the fronts are upgraded to a much higher standard, otherwise you're back to "unintentional handbrake turn mode". I intend to leave my rear brakes with the standard Girling Lockheed shoes, and perhaps try a little experimentation later.


Geoff - thanks for the tip. I did wonder about trying the Greenstuff with the existing discs but mine need replacing anyway. The EBC discs do seem to be of a far superior quality to the Caterham supplied items and well worth the extra £65.00 odd for a pair over the price of the standard discs.


Tony - I have e.mailed you off site and put you down for a set.


Rob, Phil and Andy - your wants are also confirmed.


Anna - I seem to recall owning up to being a geek on a previous occasion , but I most definitely do not possess a bobble hat. Unless you count my Caterham Motorsport ski hat, which is a bit like a bobble hat without the bobble. But in my defence I would say that's more "Ravy Davy Gravy" than "Speccy Tw*t".


I will be sending order forms out to the following bods shortly:


Brent Chiswick, North Hampshire area


Tony Stattersfield, High Wycombe, Bucks


Paul Mills, Nottingham area


Rob Mason, Nottingham area


Phil Dainton, Area?


Andy Perry, Area?


Richard Brunero, South London/Kent


Dave Diss, South London/Kent


Steve Hatton, South London/Kent


I'm hoping to confirm orders to Powerstop by mid October so if you're interested, post your wants asap.












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  • 2 weeks later...



Have you placed the order yet? If not I'd be keen on a set too. I'm in Worthing/Brighton area, dont think anyone else is that close reading the replies to this topic. Have also e-mailed you in order to try and catch the boat!



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