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Curborough Pics

Tim Renshaw

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Really nice sets of Pics, Thanks guys.


Could you email me a high res copy of the one where I actually get the apex of Flagpole, (FD55 SWU)



I was really impressed in how you caught the incoming tide on Picture 26. That must be some lens you have there! 😬





(aka VII SVN)

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Not much of a story really.


Wheel falls off car round Fradley.

Club members pull together to physically lift car on to borrowed trailer

Club member loans trailer and tow car to get car home

Club member gives up slot at McMillan Motorsport the next day to allow Matts car to be repaired.


Sounds like a typical club day to me 😬



Oh and it was sunny most of the day *thumbup*




R287 Mobile Jaffa Cake- It's black at both ends with a smashing orangey bit in the middle here


Edited by - Neil1202 on 18 Feb 2009 12:35:11

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Excellent photos chaps.


I'm pleased everybody had such a good day. I can't think of anything that could have been better. Well, maybe one thing....


Thank you to everybody who helped to sort me and ASBO out - I would have been very stuck without you all. Andy McMillan has worked his magic and I'm up and running again already. Apart from a tiny bit of wing damage you'd never know it had happened *smile*


One last thing. Who was it that got the photos of me trying to stop my unbraked 3 wheeler with sparks flying? I'd quite like acopy of that 😬


As for it being a typical club day, I couldn't agree more.

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Sorry to hear about and see the half shaft damage on your car but good that its all sorted pretty quickly. You did well with the weather and conditions too *thumbup*




Back in a BEC! - But trying to get into Class 1...

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Looks like a good day was had, gutted to miss out, at least the Caterham is running again now even if the tin-top isn't *rolleyes*


Matthew, pity about the half-shaft but well done for stopping it straight and on the racing line by the looks of things *thumbup* Did the wheel stop before the A38?


Hopefully we'll see you all when the season starts.



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Nick, it was good to see you on Monday and welcome to the class 1 *smile* How many events are you planning to do?


Greg, luckily it happened on the xit of Fradley so I was pretty much straight by the time it fell off. The wheel only made it as far as the ditch at the side of the track which was a pathetic attempt really 😬


David, I look forward to seeing the piccie. If you're getting withdrawal symptoms you'd better make sure you do Goodwood.

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