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Reality check


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I posted this upstairs on the good mornin' thread.


Mornin' all *cool*


Well, after two years back in Blighty I have had enough - resigned my job *eek* from the end of this coming summer and looking to pastures new. International probably - Dubai appeals as does the move back 'home' to France I think. I love England but the job did not work out. I am in education (Design and Technology) and there is too much 'jumping through hoops', convergent thought and PC correctness for my liking. Independent learning, innovation and creativity are not things that are encouraged - and we wonder why the manufacturing industry in this country collapsed


Anyway, blatchat stays the same wherever you go eh?





Last night was a very reflective one - along the lines of "sh1t, what have you done you muppet!"


On the one hand I am very scared of what the future might bring (no job *eek*, large mortgage, two young kids, ill mum, unhappy Mrs Wile.....) but on the other immense relief at making the decision. The UK is expensive (rent, utility costs, tax, govt this and that, school fees if you choose it etc.) plus the weather for half a year makes you want to cry *cry* I am also disallusioned with the education system as hinted above.


So, what to do? International for sure. Education a maybe (start my own school in France?). Consultancy, car hire (weddings etc), international mildly pot bellied bearded playboy.....hmmmmm



decisions, decisions...... *confused* *confused* *wink* *wavey*


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Independent learning, innovation and creativity are not things that are encouraged


I've given up being disillusioned with the education system. I think its always been the case that those characteristics are not encouraged because it's preparing you for employment.


I know many people that have been innovative, creative and entrepreneurial but now consider themselves unemployable.

Thankfully many of those that are innovative leave school early to pursue their own destiny ... usually to great success.


Has Dyson's Engineering Academy opened yet!?



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And, as for the serious (?) comment from WindyCat

I know many people that have been innovative, creative and entrepreneurial but now consider themselves unemployable.

I wonder f I am unemployable and I don't think I am any of those things 😬. Disaffected, disillusuioned and cynical might be colser to the mark *tongue*


Democratic dissent is not disloyalty, it is a positive civic duty.

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Actually very employable GJT - I think you've just described many people who work in a traditional corporation environment ... or Wile if he carried on teaching at the school ... *wink*


Vive les mavericks!!







Edited by - WindyCat on 29 Jan 2009 12:34:48

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Vive les mavericks


Ah yes but people only say that when us mavericks aren't annoying the sh1t out of them, but as soon as we offer a different view and question.........


Anyway clammy one be your own man, do your own thing *thumbup*, don't stay in this country, if I didn't have a son half way through schooling I wouldn't be here 😔




For the record I am so far away from being employable now I am hoping that I will go full circle and become acceptable again from the other side *rolleyes*

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My style is rather like the 7 dwarves



feckin classic with subtlty that one


and the rest of you are being replaced by a bloke with a spreadsheet somewhere remote and oh so cheap


So could be Delbert in Newark (and in a frock)


Pivoting in a Dressing gown today after missing yet another cull a week or so ago

(granted that probabally means the next one is not far off)



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