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Help can't start


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I've com across a problem with my Toad Powerkey immobiliser?


Have had the engine out, now all back in but the immobiliser won't disengage?


have tested everything i can think of but still won't disengage? have disconnected the battery for an hour and reconnected everything but still the same?


VX 1600 Live Axle



rFactor: caterham.miltec.biz


Edited by - miltec on 23 Jan 2009 15:08:13


Edited by - miltec on 26 Jan 2009 11:24:54

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If the Toad is in the car for any length of time, and the ign is not switched on it will auto rearm The only way to get it to then disarm is to take the Toad well away from the inductive loop beside the Ign Barrel so remove key from ign [presuming toad is on keyring] walk outside garage for a couple of minutes. Return and try disarming then. 😶‍🌫️



N.I. L7C AR 🙆🏻

Membership No.3927.

240BHP 1900cc K Series 40th Anniversary


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Occasionally mine (96 1600 S/S) won't start. Sometimes when its hot, sometimes when its cold; so not a heat issue. As suggested above, my first drill is wiggling the transponder which sometimes works. Failing this, my second drill is removing the keys for a minute which often sorts it. If all these fail, my 3rd drill is to keep the keys out, put the car in top gear and push it forwards a couple of inches (turning the engine over slightly). Using these drills it always starts at one stage or another.


No idea what the cause is but my drills don't fail me.

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Have removed the immobiliser but the car still won't come to life?


not even dashboard lights? every thing seems fine with the wiring?


is there an inercia switch on the VX1600 if so where is it?


anyhelp would be greatfullly accepted


VX 1600 Live Axle



rFactor: caterham.miltec.biz

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As far as I know, the inertia switch wouldn't affect the dashboard lights. I think it would only switch the fuel pump off. It's worth checking a circuit diagram to be sure.


If nothing is working at all, I'd suggest checking the battery voltage, all the earths (especially if you've removed the engine) and ensure all the positive wires that should be wired to the battery positive are connected.


Did the dashboard lights work before you removed the immobiliser?





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Befor the engine was taken out everything was fine (appart from sheared bolts) all wires back where they should be and nothing (but the immobiliser light) we then thought it must be the immobiliser, so have removed that and rewired as per with out. But still nothing???


VX 1600 Live Axle



rFactor: caterham.miltec.biz

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Might seem like a really daft idea but last week whilst ferreting under the dash, I pulled one of the tags of the back of the ignition switch... Have you checked under the plastic ignition switch cover that all the connections are on properly?


Otherwise I'd start with a nothing more technical than a 12volt bulb bodged on the end of a couple of wires... Attach one wire to the chassis and use the other wire to check for the presence of electrons in the correct place.


Be careful though - a number of feeds (including the ignition switch) aren't fused so a short circuit when testing could be 'exciting' and replacing smouldering wiring looms is expensive and time consuming!

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Again an obvious one but is there any chance the big brown live which goes to the ignition switch is not connected to the right place? I think it shares the same terminal as the battery + lead on the starter motor?


Please be aware I may be talking out my 🙆🏻 😳


Hope the crane worked ok *wavey*




It clunks, it rattles, the wife hates it, but I love my BEC.



Edited by - Jason Fletcher on 26 Jan 2009 23:09:03

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