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Full Roll cage vs Roll bar


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The sill protectors 😔


My 2p worth:


1) Get a new 4mm drill bit for this

2) Make sure you drill relatively slowly with pressure

3) Don't try and drill through the sill protector while it's in place - instead: mark position of holes (10), remove, make an indentation in the middle of each mark, drill

4) Replace and put rivets in place (I got 7/10 in when I finally got the sill in the right place, which took 4 attempts in its own right!)

5) Complete drill-out of remaining holes (while in situ)


I used this method for the second sill protector. The first, I tried to drill in situ. After 4 holes I gave up (2 of which I had to enlarge to 5mm later).



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crash+head+cage=death, even if padded.


or with out cage just roll bar

crash+head+ othercar body/floor/post/ tree/ kerb/ other solid object = death


You crash one of these little cars, it's more luck than anything else if you walk away safely. Mind you , the same could be said of most convertable cars. *wink*

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here is a poor photo


of an SLR and screen.


Richard Ince and Austin used to race in the JCC series with a screen and half doors - in fact that may be their car ?.


But yes it does fit, but as I said earlier, the problem is that the doors dont open. But then again you can always leap over the top of the cage *smile*



here is C7 TOP

Taffia joint AO with Al


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