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Any rule changes for '09?

Alan Bowler

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Yes a fine for anyone in class 3 driving a blue car that is beaten by T Calvert 😳 *tongue* 😬


Class records are to be used to decide the overall champion so make sure you keep your foot in at Paddock bend at Curborough *wink*.


A few reminders


If you have an FIA bar please fit the petty strut and make sure the top of your helmet is 50mm below a line drawn from the top of the bar to the top of the engine.


Please make sure you have a head rest that is close to the back of your helmet when sat in your normal driving position.


If you car was manufactured after 1 Jan 2000 you must have a catalytic converter fitted


Nomex gloves are recommended for 2009 and will become mandatory in 2010.





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You wouldn't let it lie.

Will respray car horrid yellowy/orange to avoid fine.


I assume my anonymous suggestion for further improving the championships

"green" credentials, by banning obsolete polluting technology (i.e. Xflows) from

class 3 got lost in the system somewhere.


Is the roll cage requirement *likely* for 2010? If so, I'll make the move to class 2 now.



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All cars will be subject to scruitineering at each event and you will have to convince the MSA scruitineer on the date of manufacture. The club also has an Eligibility Steward who will rule on any such issues.


The regs have been published by the MSA and as such we have to comply.


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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I think a certain Mr Chapman had something to say on the subject:

"Rules are for the interpretation of wise men and the obedience of fools."


He may have done but I think in this case the MSA regulation is quite clear and I do not see where there is room for interpretation. I recommend that if you believe your car is exempt you email your reasons why and I will take it up with our eligibility scruitineer prior to the start of the season as I would not wish to see you excluded from any event and forfeit an entry fee etc.


I also wish to avoid any protests from other competitors.


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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Mark, do you think that the scrutineers are likely to accept the Heritage certificates mentioned in November Low Flying as evidence of date of manufacture? My car left Caterham in kit form late '99 and was registered early 2000. The chassis number suggests '99 manufacture but don't fancy convincing a scrutineer of this in a windy paddock somewhere!






Edited by - Greg P on 10 Dec 2008 17:17:47

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the MSA regulation is quite clear and I do not see where there is room for interpretation.


Ah, but there is room for interpretation. In fact the rule as written may not be enforceable. The problem from a competitors point of view is that any objection would have to go to the national court to be resolved as CoC /stewards do not have the power to overrule a scrutineer on a technical matter.



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Er, no, it's badly written regs that are unhelpful (both to officials and competitors). The MSA were warned that the originally proposed reg had problems; they fixed most of them, but not all.


I'd also be disappointed if anyone used the loophole in the club championship - the spirit of the rule is pretty clear and that's generally how our championship runs.


But I'm a CoC at race events as well as being an L7C competitor, and I'm fully expecting to see appeals made as a result of the MSA's dodgy drafting. It's a competitor's right to run according to the letter of the law rather than the spirit. Some folk take ti a lot more seriously than us. But it's not fair on the other competitors and puts the officials on a spot for no good reason *mad*


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Can someone post the exact wording of the regulation please?

For a kit car how is the "date of manufacture" defined?

E.g. is it the date when the chassis was welded to gether? The day it was all bolted together? SVA date? Reg date?


Probably academic as I can't afford a grand plus for a complete new exhaust (and maybe engine management to allow closed loop lambda operation) so that's me out.

Shame really, as I don't regard a rule that excludes a perfectly kosher, road-legal car to be in the "spirit" of clubman motorsport! 😔


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