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cc dry sump question

n balbach

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I want to fit a brise kidney shaped tank with a cc dry sump system for a k series.Can anyone tell me how much extra the bottom engine pulley protrudes from a normal wet sump k series once the dry sump belt is fitted as brise do not have this measurement only the measurement for the pace system?
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The pulley protrudes enough to make it impossible to get a socket/spanner on the pulley bolt with the tank in place.


If this is what your thinking about get Brise to make a step into the tank to allow this. It has been done before for Mick Smith.


Sorry not near my car to take any measurements.


However I do have some pictures & a copy of the original tank drawing.


Blatmail me if you would like copies.


Edited as didn't read you're using a CC scavenge pump, however the dimensions must be similar.


Edited by - Mick Day on 1 Dec 2008 17:04:45

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Your engine has the dual (stock) pulley. The outer smaller pulley is used to drive the CC drysump pump with the pump mounted in a Rover power steering cradle on the offside lower part of the engine. I have a spare cradle here if you dont have one. There is sufficient space to accomodate the pulley and the brise tank.. just..



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Can you e-mail me the drawing and photos of the Brise tank that you mentioned you have?


I am currently specc'ing a Brise tank for my 2.3 Duratec with internal Cosworth dry sump bits. I don't think I will have the clearance problems mentioned, but would like as much information as available before I order the tank. Thanks.



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Neil: there's more than enough capacity in the "standard" Brise tank; at least 7 litres all in. The small reduction the step introduces won't affect lubrication.


Alaskossie: Blatmail doesn't support attachments so send me your email address & I'll send them to you.



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Alaskossie, I had the same Cosworth sump as you have, and the Brise tank in my 2.3 Duratec installation and you definitely won't have any clearance issues. The kidney shaped tank was originally a Mick Attree development for his early Duratec installations and whilst it is a 'snug' fit, there is still room around it. *thumbup*


Just a point, Brise don't normally include a temp sender boss but it is worth having one fitted at the time of the build in case you want to fit a temp sender later. *thumbup*



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