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O/T Golf TDI Problem


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Our 02 Golf TDI 130PD has got a problem!


On hard acceleration, 95% of the power is lost as the engine approaches 3500 rpm. At this point the car has no power at all and struggles to maintain 70mph up hill on the motorway.


Stopping the car, turning the ignition off and restarting cures the problem.


So me thinks the ECU is going into "limp home" mode?


Any clues on what to check, or is it time to plug the diagnostic in? I'm thinking a dodgy sensor that isn't liking being put under heavy load...


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  • Support Team

Cheers Both *thumbup*


I have a VAG-COM cable for my A4 (The Golf is SWMBO's) assume this is a same? I'll have a rummage around the garage and see if I can find it.


I don't have the software. I'll have a google.




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You can download the software from http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/download/


It ought to be the same cable. However there were earlier versions which would not communicate with the later cars. Unless you try to access the airbag (DO NOT!) ECU you should not be able to get yourself into trouble.


If you need help feel free to blatmail me your telephone No, then I can call you. (Not your fault I'm in the wrong country)



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