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CSR 260 Mods ( with latest photos )

paul cardy

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Just thought i would share some mods i have recently completed on the CSR


Following fitting a carbon aero sreen i didnt like the origonal head light position so i have changed to the 5" type and made up new stays from scratch that drop there position lower, the stay as it comes out of the chassis now runs forward and parallel to the ground. ( much more stealth )

I have also removed the orgional indicators and now have the mini motor bike type mounted on new brakets off the front wishbone bolt.


Hope fully this week i will take recite of a new rear diffuser and a bespoke made rear anti roll bar. This could prove intersesting to gain a pick up from the hub as it would seem that Caterham have not provide for this i have a plan but till need the part to confirm it is suitable. Should keep me busy over the next week or so.


I will post some photos of all the mods soon if anyone is interested.




Ok i admit this has been longer that the suggested week or so !!


I have now fitted the Rear blade type ARB . I needed to manufacture brackets to mount to the rear independant uprights but otherwise a straight bolt on job.


Rear diffuser needed front fixing point brackets made which have been pop rivited to the rear chassis in 2 places either side of the tunnel with 3 bolt fixing. The actual diffuser required cut outs so the whisbones had free movment even on full droop this being more trial and error so as not to cut to much out.


Having looked at the rear i wondered how the front would look with a front splitter so I used the profile of the nose cone to cut out a carbon fiber splitter then made an aluminum wrap around to fill in the gap between this and the slope of the nose cone and form the top mounting. The rear section of the splitter being mounted back to the chassis . I didnt want to make the diffuser too big hoping just to stop the front end lift , if it does create any down force this will be a bonus.


As the weather has been what shall we call it ( awnsers on a post card ) i have not ventured out of the garage other that to take the photos so i will have to report back on what difference these mods make. Hope the photos help.


My next plan will be to visit someone to carry out suspension tweaks as having come from a Westfield Busa which was very seat of the pants the CSR needs to be a bit more focused ,or maybe i need to change my driving style !! So if anyone can recommend a good company preferably in the Hampshire area it would appreciated.




Edited by - paul cardy on 26 Oct 2008 09:48:57


Edited by - paul cardy on 17 Jan 2009 15:42:13

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  • 4 weeks later...


What a difference ! I'm impressed and will now have to copy *cool*


Which make of aeroscreen have you got (CC/RinF or other) ? . . . . and what's your initial feedback on performance difference without full screen ?


DD02CAT ..... YDD0068

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  • 1 month later...

Just added some more photos and description of lates mods .



the screen is CC and it deflects the air well and i just wear sunnys and a beany .

Only way to go.


As for performance advantage its probally all in the mind or is that just the voices

( who said that )

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On the subject of suspension Paul, it's not quite Hampshire, but I've heard very good reports of this chap from people whose advice I respect. I plan on giving him a try later this year.


Gary May at Freestyle is also well respected if you don't mind a run out towards Caterham


Darren E


K80 RUM Website and Emerald maps library


Duratec/SuperlightR hybrid


Edited by - k80rum on 17 Jan 2009 16:58:21

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Thanks i give them a call to see what they have to say, spoken to Gary but at that time he had not played witha CSR.


What are you building at the moment ? i assume K80 was sold ?


One of my future plans would be to change to a Sequential gearbox, what were your experiences / recommendations.

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No worries Paul. Let us know how you get on if you decide to use them. There must be some other good places closer to home too.


K80's still sitting in the garage but it's evolving *smile*. The K and the 6-speed have gone and I've almost finished building up a 2L Duratec to go in it.


I'm hoping to have the Quaife demonstrator next weekend to see what the sequential's like on the road, and a casing to check how well it fits the tunnel. The choice then will be whether to cough up for the new sequential or the new 5-speed H pattern.


I'm not in a position yet to pass comment on sequential 'boxes but those who use them regularly have made some interesting posts based on experience. The impression I've formed based on these is that it's a great tool for the track but on the road it's likely to be a compromise. I personally think the road-usage case isn't helped by the older generation of boxes which tended to be straight-cut and so comparably noisy/harsh in operation which I guess isn't noticeable on the track whereas it's quite wearing on the road.

The new (semi-helical) box appears to be quieter in use and softer when changing which might make any compromise easier to forgive on the road. One user on here has already driven to Italy and back with one and seems to have enjoyed the experience. At the end of the day it's a really a gadget - I don't expect it to improve anything but a test drive should tell whether I could get on with one personally. I'm -expecting to plump for the H-pattern to be honest, but if I don't you're more than welcome to see what you think.


Glad to read the mods are coming along well . I'd been admiring your front splitter work which looks quite in keeping with the car *thumbup*


Darren E


K80 RUM Website and Emerald maps library


Duratec/SuperlightR hybrid


Edited by - k80rum on 18 Jan 2009 09:18:50

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