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Anglesey Results

Richard Price

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Anglesey Results are available for Saturday and Sunday.


What value for money! Five timed runs on Saturday (I guess Mike would have liked only four *wink* 😬), and four on Sunday (Yes, maybe I'd have stayed on for a Fifth, but we'll never know ☹️)


Edited by - Richard Price on 13 Oct 2008 18:20:52

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You found those quickly *wink*

How true that I would have been very happy with only the four runs on the Saturday!

It is frightening to look at them and see how close it was both days - and to know how much we were trying *eek*

A great weekend though and what a tense battle right to the wire - great fun as always with everyone in Class 2 - brilliant 😬 😬 😬

All we have to do now is plan for next year......

Mike *smokin*

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He drove brilliantly Ken.


Really on it properly. Trying hard. Just has to sort the Nitron Understeer out now. Tried a few things but difficult when its really your first experience of it.


I know the answer though.


Anyone want a set of Ken Evans Nitron's. I've been on the phone this morning to the Swedish masters.


Kevin is shall we say hooked on the speed/adrenaline.



Anyone got a wheel barrow :-(

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It only ever under-steered for me when I went too fast into a bend *wink* I did suggest that Kevin changes nothing as I was getting close to record times in the hills and it handled perfectly. However, maybe the weight distribution has changed a little with me being a stick insect *wink*
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Don't worry Ken we are keeping a record of all the settings. It really was under steering though. I was able to watch as I was in class 3 *redface*


However and please correct me. I suspect the car was set up for the stunners with equal tyre profile front to rear. On the Kumho there is only 5mm rake without Kev in the car.


So we were trying to alter the balance without playing with rake in the paddock.



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Ah yes, fair point. Though I didn't change the settings at all last year when I was swapping between Stunners and Kumho without too much drama, and I got a late 57 at Curborough.


However, it's possible of course that I could have squeezed an early 57 out of the car if I was sufficiently motivated and analytical to change the settings between tyre changes.

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Thats an interesting thought Dave. Have you gone stiffer on the rear then?


As far as I know they would be 235 front and 135 rears. Ken?


Thats the same as my Ohlins but I can of course dial out the understeer with damping adjustment only.


So back to 150 rears or 175?


Anyone got a wheel barrow :-(

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yep too soft for fat rear rubber inducing high speed understeer.


Damping adjustment will only afect the very initial turn in. The chassis will then roll onto the springs (for want of a better description) in longer corners or where there is a greater weight transfer.


I dont use my car for hills and sprints any longer so I have changed my spring rates and setup to suit the slicks.


Kens set up obviously works on the hills on cold stunners and I was also running softer rear springs in the region of 150lb when I was on the short circuit sprints and hills. But I would also change setup for sprints at circuits like Castle combe, Longcross and long airfield runs and of course Llandow as the corners are different and the tyres get warm as 45 seconds passes.


Taffia rear gunner


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*arrowup* He's right you know *thumbup*


The damper controls how quickly the springs & as such the tyres are loaded up on turn in, when the car has taken a set, for example in the middle of a long high-speed corner on a smooth circuit, then the dampers will not contribute very much to the contact patch load as the car is settled and the dampers are not really moving. On the other hand the springs will be compressed on the outside of the car, and the roll bar will be twisted, and thus contributing a large proportion of the contact patch load.


Pinched that snippet from somewhere obviously *rolleyes*




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Agree with that. However where you are able to increase the damping only and not the rebound or vice versa the it is still better to run as soft a spring as possible.


Hence when I run sprints my damping is much much harder than others. I supose the ideal is to change springs for these events also but that is just a pain in the 🙆🏻

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However where you are able to increase the damping only and not the rebound or vice versa the it is still better to run as soft a spring as possible.


agreed that one should run as soft a spring as possible.


But the spring rate required is the one to maintain chassis balance - not just one that allows rear squat under power to aid rear traction. the balance will change with different tyres, weather, course and driver style. The ideal spring rate in theory is to run is one that is as hard as you can go without the car skipping across bumps.


If however the chassis has greater roll resistance at one end than other through the use of springs or antiroll bars and the chassis has the opportunity to transfer load in the corners (more the longer the corner) then the handling will either be under-steer, over steer or neutral - all at different parts of the corner *rolleyes*.


Damping is the rebound and bump combined . If you increase the bump so as not to allow the damper to compress as quickly to overcome a soft spring rate then you will still get odd handling at another part of the corner. Its like overcoming a problem by altering a secondary control in the dampers rather than addressing the roll resistance of the chassis with the appropriate spring rates and anti roll bars.


At the end of the day if it works for you and you feel confident in the behaviour and reliable nature of your chassis then that is half the battle - knowing what your car will do in circumstances at that very moment. Most of its in the head .......


on the other hand, there may just be a mod that you can easily make that will make you quicker around a corner but this may be breaking away from your "normal" setting or comfort zone.


the confidence after a mod will only be regained through testing and not on the entry to the first corner with the clock ticking *wink* - been there done that, went off on the grass *rolleyes* 😔


I run sprints my damping is much much harder than others

difficult to compare if your judging it by the bounce on the rear of the boot method . I always found that the car was more "comfortable" on softer damping, but quicker on far far harder damping. But that damping must be matched to spring rate and roll resistance at both ends of the chassis.


anyway , its only what I've found with these silly little cars - mostly by the hard way 😬


always available for consultancy WC *smile* *tongue*



Taffia rear gunner


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