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Bulk Buy - Waterproof Oversuit

Nick Chan

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  • Area Representative

Following a conversation with Martin Sargeant at Aintree during the initial terrible wet conditions, Martin was asking about our waterproof oversuits which seem ideal for sprinters (where the marshalls at Aintree allowed them to be worn as long as the cuffs (neck/wrists/ankles) could be seen as this did not compromise the fireproof safety of the suit underneath) or general blatting use esp. if you aeroscreen in bad weather as a few of do.


Is anyone interested if we organise a Bulk Buy of a couple of suits that Trish can get hold of? Quality-wise, they are very similar but we may be able to get a better price on the cheaper model as the supplier has already said 11 suits for the price of 10, 22 suits for the price of 20 or 42 suits for the price of 36. We would have to add VAT and carriage to the deal but I am looking at around £24 for the cheaper suit or around £29 for the more expensive one. Once I had final numbers I would show the prices we had obtained so everyone is kept informed but I reckon they are close to the above figures.


Here's the email I sent to Martin with the links to the websites :


---- Original Message -----

From: Nicholas Chan

To: martin sargeant

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 11:32 PM

Subject: Re: Wet suits for the 7.....



Hi Martin,


Sorry I forgot to get back to you on this one!


Trish has spoken to a couple of companies that supply their business and we can organise a bulkbuy on the following two products :


www.lewisgear.com supply an Atlantic suit for RRP £39.99 Atlantic Suit for around £29


www.motohart.co.uk have a Hyrda suit for RRP £34.99 Hydra suit for around £24


They are very similar with taped seams and I have got one of each for anyone to have a good look at. The deal would depend entirely on the numbers we gathered but we would target £25 per suit. My one that I had on at Aintree is the Lewis Gear one and is excellent and totally waterproof. I expect the Hydra suit is similar for waterproofing but we haven't had any chance to try it out in wet conditions (its been sunny and dry since we had it...)


As a comparison, the yellow and black suit Trish and Colin Heseltine were wearing over their overalls were about £10-12 from Aldi a couple of years ago and a much lighter and less substantial product. They are more akin to a shower suit and I have certainly got wet in mine when I did a European trip last year.


I am not sure how best to circulate this one so feel free to pass the details round to the likes of Tam & Michael Calvert and anyone else as you see fit.






NOTE : the £25 figure in the email is now revised as the Atlantic suits are more expensive and have less discount but I will see I can do when the final numbers are counted up.



Sevenless for the moment - but then who knows!


Edited by - Nick Chan on 26 Sep 2008 18:22:32

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If we have an order made up fairly quickly, say, by the end of next week, Trish reckons they would be available for distribution at the Anglesey event - not that we expect any rain in Wales... in October....


I will measure the dimensions of the suits over here and post the details and size so people can gauge which size seems appropriate



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Size and dimensions of our suits are :



Inside Leg - 31 inches

Waist - 42 inches with belt

Underarm - 24 inches

Neck - 18 inches

Length (base of neck to end of trouser) - 66 inches



HYDRA SUIT - Size 40 (or Medium) - TC is a size 14 and it fits her fine

Inside Leg - 29 inches

Elasticated Waist - 42 inches expanded - 30 inches unexpanded

Underarm - 21 inches

Neck - 16 inches

Length (base of neck to end of trouser) - 62 inches


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Thanks for this Nick&Trish *thumbup*


2 please in er Large we think.

(The mediums look OK but a bit short in the leg especially when sat legs outstretched in the car)


Our preference would be for the cheaper Hydra suit. it looks good on the web link and also we're skint 😬




Class 4 Zetec *cool*

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Hi All,


Unless specified otherwise I will gather the numbers for the Hydra suit. Trish mentioned that she has been speaking to the Lewes rep today and he won't be able to get the order back to us until mid November at the earliest with the poor summer generating record sales.


Colin tried my XXL suit for size yesterday and is amending his order from Large to XXL as well - I suppose it does allow for additional layers underneath (coat / fleece) when used for general road use.


There is no option on colour I think, both are black...







Back in a BEC!

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Right, summary of the orders are :


Tam Calvert TBC

Mike Calvert TBC

Martin Sargeant Large Hydra

Julie Sargeant Large Hydra

Shaun Elwell Large Hydra

Gill Elwell Small Hydra

Robin Brackett Large Hydra

Andrew Willoughby Large Hydra

Mike Burnham X-Large Hydra

Neil Gilby X-Large Hydra

Alistair Gibbins XX-Large Hydra

Steve Unwin XX-Large Hydra

Gary Frost XX-Large Hydra

Malcolm Hickey XX-Large Hydra

Mike Riley XX-Large Hydra


Colin Hesletine X-Large Atlantis


Unless stated otherwise, I have gone for the Hyrda suit as they offer a proper BB discount and can supply sooner than the Atlantis one. I think I have got Mike and Alistair's surnames correct but not a problem either way.


I just need to get Mike & Tam's size requirements plus anyone else who joins in today and then we can get the order off.









Back in a BEC!


Edited by - Nick Chan on 3 Oct 2008 12:04:13

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