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Class 1


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Well what a turn up for the books yesterday. *eek*


The class is still open after Jon's last run rabbit from the hat experience, I think it all comes down to Anglesey now.


Thanks to Jon and Malcolm pushing the rest of us, on the whole class took great lumps off their times and as only Malcolm and Alan *wink*know the track intimately it was mightly impressive the chunks of time that we all took off over the day, IIRC Mike and Judith took over 10 seconds off, I'm clearly going to have my work cut out keeping ahead of you, let alone the rest of them *rolleyes*


Alan, I'll continue my research into framing services for the fiver, I fear Anglsey will prove to be your pinnacle for the year.


Sorry I had to leap off early but I made the 50th party just in time. Richard, you looked shocked by my shorts after the last run, hadn't realised my legs were so scary *smile*


See you all at the lunch




R287 Mobile Jaffa Cake- It's black at both ends with a smashing orangey bit in the middle here

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Congratulations to Jon Ward and Neil for for a superb final runs and especially Jon's class win and hill record for class 1 *cool* Congratulations to all class winners and and thanks to Richard for the advice when walking the hill in the morning *thumbup*.

Looks like Anglesey is going to be a battle ground for classes 1 and 2( I think Mike and I should get an age related time advantge for being over 50 *eek*)


Simon, glad you're ok, hope to see your car back next year *thumbup*



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Thanks Malcolm. Sorry about the commentary sheet; no pee take intended, I genuinely thought that you were uncatchable.


A big *thumbup* up to everyone in Class1 for another day of well balanced banter and competition.


And thanks for the last minute pep talk/advice from the fellow competitor *thumbup* - 2.5s quicker, goodness me what was I doing....


Possibly see you all at Anglesey.




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Many thanks from me too,

Malcolm and Neil for fixing my cooling problem.

And somehow to all for the inspiration to try and keep up.


Sadly for me, that was my last one this season as I have to miss Anglesey, so I wish you all good fortune for then, and will be thinking of you even though I shall be in sunnier climes.


Will catch up again at the dinner.






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Congratulations on an outstanding last timed run on Saturday *thumbup* and you can no longer claim that hillclimbs are your weakpoint. I look forward to the seasons finale at Anglesey (I am sure your daughter will understand when she is older) and the head to head with Malcolm for class 1 honours.


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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Class 1 is definitley the place to be this year and looking at how all the newbies and almost newbies are improving this year, next year should be even closer *thumbup*.


It's the only class where driver skill matters more than what you have under the bonnet eh Malcolm? 😬




R287 Mobile Jaffa Cake- It's black at both ends with a smashing orangey bit in the middle here

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