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What Cams .......... VVC Solid Cam Conversion ....... ?

Simon Owen

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Just trying to educate myself in the spec of my DVA'd K series ...........


Can anyone tell me what '964 profile' cams are, fitted as part of a TB & solid cam conversion to a VVC K series.


Just interested to see how they fit within the range of cams available and read up on the spec in a bit more detail *confused*


I'm more than happy with the performance at the moment but am just keen to understand the differences as we (I use the term 'we' loosely !!) did modify the head to take 285's in the future 😬


Edited by - Simon Owen on 28 Aug 2008 12:05:09

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964 cams are a BP285H equivalent, they have less lift (so the stock springs will accomodate them) and a little more duration. BP285Hs are arguably a better cam but must use Piper springs and often need the follower bore tops modifed so they are not a drop in solution.


BP285H will give a better torque curve and a little more power.



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Thanks, now I understand - all to do with maintainging the original springs then.


From memory we only upgraded the springs on the second round of work when the head was removed for porting and new bearings & pistons fitted, I trust that BP285H's would now be a drop in solution for me in the future.





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Can you explain to a dumb foreigner what "follower bore tops" is?


I just dropped in the 285H cams without problems to the VVC engine I once got from you - when I realised it didn't fit in the chassis with its plenum 😳 and had to go directly to TBs - wonder if I was just lucky *confused*

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There is an illustration on my K website.


Basically it is the cuts on the follower bore tops where the lobes revolve which are only deep enough to clear the stock lobes which have 9mm lift. Sometimes due to shifts and misalignments between casting centre and machining centre they are deep enough to clear the taller lobes of the BP285H (which have 11mm+ lift), but most often they are not and the lobes foul the head at this point and the head needs much relieving to allow the cam to turn.


I think you were *very* lucky.



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Thanks! *thumbup*


I had checked that as I knew it was an issue.


Not the most difficult modification to do if needed.




There is never enough time to do it properly, but there is always time to do it again

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It's one they developed for me, the 1326 profile, I'd say it's essential to get the best from even a stock setup, when you consider the stock VVC cam when fully extended is 290 degrees and the stock VVC exhaust is 252... the 1326 is similar the the 633, 264 degrees, 9.8mm lift



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