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Query re kill-switch wiring

Ade Ray

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Looking at the wiring of my kill switch there seems to be a black coated earth wire connected to the circular plastic mount of the switch and running via a long thin ceramic block to a plate end connection at the back of the switch.


Could someone tell me what I am looking at (the ceramic thing) and what function it is performing?




Ade smile.gif


Make the world a better place, hug an estate agent

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It is a ballast resistor.


The battery is normally the load for the alternator's output. When the battery is cut out of the circuit with the engine still running, the inductive loads in the alternator go a bit crazy and can kick out in excess of 100V if the current has nowhere to go. A correctly wired cutout dumps that voltage through that ballast resistor, preventing the elecrical system seeing a severe voltage spike.



253 BHP K-seriesteeth.gif, no gearboxbum.gifid=red>

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Thanks Peter


With all this talk of dumping volts, perhaps I should not leave it dangling around my knee where it put in an appearance yesterday!




I was quite suprised to see some photos of my brother Simon on your links pages. I have to warn you about keeping his mug shot on your area website, it might harm future membership!


On a similar theme....one of your photos carrys the caption along the lines 'Simon is in my sights'. Did you catch him?


Ade smile.gif


Make the world a better place, hug an estate agent

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Yes I caught him. He tried to go as deep on the brakes as me into the Devils Elbow (he was following me by that time) and went into the kitty litter. This might be a sore point with him..

Last meeting he was swapping paint a fair bit....

BTW we know each other pretty well.



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Edited by - stevefoster on 11 Jun 2002 15:23:00

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I have got a copy of the Caterham instructions for installing the Battery cut off switch. They are a bit "used" as you may remember I had a few problems with the ignition wiring. My car is wired up differently as I converted from a dynamo to an alternator.


I will try to remember to photocopy tomorrow and will bring up to the Phoenix in the evening.


PS. The models taking shape (just not sure of what shape!)



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Hey careful!!!


> You connect the ballast resistor to the big terminal on the > cut out switch which leads to the Alternator, and the other > end of the ballast resistor to a good earth point (the cars > body or chassis)


Arnie you forgot to mention that you also wire it through the normally open (NO) set of small terminals, can never remember whether it's the Y or Z ones which are NO. If you wire it direct then the the resistor will be permanently connecting the 12V to earth, it will get very hot and the car won't go at all well.


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