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Can I hide here....


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for a bit...think I may have upset a few people upstairs


actually you sum up for me a few other areas as well



Guess I was lucky with Colin Hesltine and the Swan with two necks meet *thumbup*


Ugly women are more gratefull and could serve a purpose , doesn't mean you will look good with one on your arm

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  • Area Representative


So you may have created a few popcorn moments...

Great 😬

Reread your post and I can give you some feedback:-

I am amazed that more areas don't do weekends. For me (so speaking perfectly selfishly) I get to few weekday meetings but most weekend meetings. It was really lucky for me that Penn is as near as any other meeting. In the other direction is the Herts meeting and in several years I have got over there once (or is it twice?).

Secondly, if you don't get to the meeting for two years, the crowd may well have changed and they will not neccesarily realise our distinguished history with the Club (if they joined recently why should they?). If a few likeminded souls decide to have lunch together because they have chatted to each other, I'm sorry but that's up to them.

Back to the Herts/Penn meetings - I hear from Penn and never from Herts - that is not neccesarily a reflection on Dikko, it is probably a reflection on me or on the way the Club chooses to get data to the AR/AO. If Dikko hasn't been given my e-maill address, he can not send me information. I do get information from Penn, the Northats/Beds meeting (Paul Marriott's area) and from the Ace Cafe group, but that is because I get to their meetings more often.

And please take this as friendly fire!


Democratic dissent is not disloyalty, it is a positive civic duty.

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Well I've been to Penn and Ace now and not had a dicky (sorry *redface* for the pun) from either, but my 'local' does email me and Dikko did grab my email address.


I think most 7ners at club nights are very insular, but have found this to be the same at every other type of 'club' I have joined.


I think if you join a club you are leaning towards Billy No Mates ❗ πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ





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Girl power eh ?


Anyway just read the thread so I'm looking forward to the popcorn coming out - it seems daft to just use county(ish) postcodes to publicise area events especially a new ahhhhhhhhhh. If I lived 2 miles North I'd be in Bedfordshire and wouldnt be in Dikkos official catchment area if it was Herts only


It would be possible to setup (I have a spreadsheet that can do it - ref the sheds do in Towcester a few years back where the venue was calcualted as the centre of gravity of the shed) a proximity list e.g select all members within x km of another given location and email them


Perhaps it could be made available to platinum members 1st and then filter down to the oiks ?




Supercheese R250


Caterham pictures here 😬

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Well done PP! *thumbup*


Maybe I should change my status to 'always on the naughty chair' and add some comments about area meets too...


Why are'nt members' thoughts and preferences taken into consideration whatever is organised?


Why don't people do a little thinking, call it post mortem, after every event that happens and see how they can improve.


I certainly know the difference this makes to a club, having done this in the past and been on the receiving line on to hear commentsand positive feedback, and certainly a lot of heavy criticism which one has to take constructively if one is leading something.


I don't like the don't fix it if it aint broken attitude. I like the 'keep improving what is good' attitude... however as you get people out of their comfort zone and make them think a little you are perceived as a threat of some sort ☹️


Rant over... and have a good day everyone *wavey*



my photos here here

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