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I was bored and got thinking is 200mph possible?


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Bit of a silly question, following a conversation over a few beers 😳, but what would it take to get a 7 over 200mph?


Obviously a lot of horsepower 😬 but how much roughly?

The aerodynamics are allegedly not the best compared to modern production cars *tongue* but what can be done to improve matters apart from making it look like something else *eek*

The easy solution in my mind is the gearing but am more than willing to be proven wrong 😬



Su77on Se7ens


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You could strap a jet engine on to it?


According to my Darwin Awards book some chap tried that with his car and they found the smoldering remains about 50 ft UP a cliff *eek*


Looking at 200mph cars (off the top of my head, F1 car, Veyron, Batmobile...) all have ridiculous amounts of power and a fair amount of aero aids.


Give it a go. I'll help you rob a bank to fund the 200mph Seven.




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I would imagine that they haven't taken it to 200mph, though it looks quite capable of that, especially with the sweep hardtop fitted and the low front etc.


With the RST engine, it's certainly got the power/weight combination and some good downforce to keep it glued to the road.



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With the RST engine, it's certainly got the power/weight combination

Doubt it . . .. any anyway, top speed is all about power to drag not power to weight. Plus the 'GTO car' is a 21 not a 7 . . . which would help with it's speed, but the original question was about a 7 not a Caterham.



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I dunno . .. Caterhams have a similar drag coefficient to an F1 car don't they - about 0.7 to 0.8? So if you stuck an F1 engine and box in one, it would have a fair chance of getting 200mph . . . some bits might fall off mind - the wings for starters, but what's left should be OK.



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I've seen 145mph out of 250bhp limited by gearing - suspect 150 would be vMax. That makes the power requirement for 200mph around about 570bhp.


On the basis that power requirement varies with the cube of speed (for some reason - aero drag is only a square relationship) you need 550 bhp. And big balls...


Just to explain this: drag force is proportional to speed squared. drag power = drag force x the distance per second the force acts through i.e. drag power = drag force x speed ... drag power is proportional to speed^3.


Strong neck muscles.

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seeing as I don't think anyone has officially cracked 150mph in a 7, then 200 mph is a LONG way off.


race CSR's are geared to pull 154mph in 6th and that's without taking account of tyre fling. I think pretty much the whole field hit the rev limiter in 6th on the main straight at Monza at some point during the races there. So that's at least 16 sevens that have exceeded 150mph. To be fair we were all taking advantage of the tow to do it - and yes it was fun unless you misjudged your braking point for the 2nd gear chicane at the end of the straight 😳

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Thanks for all the replies *thumbup*


That Westie is an awesome bit of kit 😬


So all I need to do is find 570bhp and I am there 😬 I will have a good look under the bonnet tonight and see if there are any spare horses lurking *tongue*


One of the things which was making me think that it would need more is the Sierra Cosworth which cracked 200 mph. That has some awesome amount of bhp as well as some nitrous to help things along! and I assumed that a 7 was going to have worse aero than a Sierra 😳



Su77on Se7ens


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