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UPDATED: the race for the golden trowel


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excellent effort By Mr Sankey this weekend, but currently sharing with Mr Price


2008 Golden Trowel Standings


Good to see our erstwhile leader and current champion on the leaderboard as well 😬


I haven't got any offs for Pembrey so if anyone cares to admit to it then let me know


rob *smokin*




Edited by - robmar on 29 Jul 2008 14:19:41


Edited by - robmar on 4 Sep 2008 10:04:57

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In the admirable (but worrying) spirit of honesty in this thread, I confess that I had two offs at Loton - on both of my timed runs. *redface* Neither qualified for the dignity of an official FAIL, which seems to have been reserved exclusively for our esteemed Comp. Sec!



Paul Forster


Edited by - 4* on 29 Jul 2008 18:00:07

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Frankly I don't see how 2 wheels off on the outside of a corner whilst keeping your foot on the gas even remotely resembles an off or a yellow trowel moment *mad*


I am not amused. I should not be on this chart *nono* This is a fix.


I know you all felt sorry for me and wanted me to win something but that is ridiculous.


I object. Get me the management.


Oh yeh thats the problem isn't it. The management is out to get me.


A man of my reputation just can not afford to have a wheel touch the grass.


Its a sham *cry*

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Malclom - thanks noted, a spin is fine btw


Paul - how honest


Simon - you will have to speak to the head honcho to get your golden trowel removed, but maybe for complaining you should get an extra one 😬




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Well another action packed round of the Speed Championship and a full write up will appear in Lowflying in due course.


Anyway, listed below are those who took to the grass yesterday:


Adrian Williams

Shaun Elwell

Michael Calvert

Steve Unwin

Michael Calvert (again)

Lynn Gilbert


If I have missed your off tarmac experience then please let me know before your fellow competitors do *tongue*


The yellow trowel is returning to the red (now with gravel rash) member of Drowned Rat Racing as although Lynn went off after Michael she will not be at Curborough so he gets the honour on countback.


See you at Curborough *thumbup*




Edited by - Ray Snoates on 4 Aug 2008 10:19:51


Edited by - Ray Snoates on 5 Aug 2008 09:43:45

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I am amazed at how many of you seem to WANT to grab this title from me and I have done nothing this year to defend it. Shame on me. As one wag said to me after last years lunch...' that's the best trophy to get' I am beginning to think he was right.


Now where can I plan a good off 😬 😬 😬



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