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A few questions from a loton virgin 😬


I am considering camping on Friday evening - are there any facilities? 🙆🏻


Info seems to suggest that the gates are closed at night - any idea what time this happens? What time do they open in the morning?


Thanks PaulB

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Hmm, would be interested in the answerre the gates shutting at night but can confirm that at least 4 of us (Shaun & Gill Elwell, Tam Calvert & Myself) will be there on Friday, plus no doubt loads more *thumbup*


From memory last year (did not camp that time) there are portaloos but can't picture much more...


See you Friday!



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There is a new for this season tarmac trailer park, as you enter through the gate, bear to the left & just as you start up the hill its on the left, tis the same place that everyone used before for their trailers just on the grass last time *wavey*
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With having a double entry we have two spare tickets anyway - we're right by the entrance hut in the paddock as well, so give us a holler or I can give them to Mark.



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Will do Steve - and competing with a spot-the-difference-nosecone!! *wink*


Fingers crossed everything's ok - we haven't had chance to drive it properly since the ... er ... modifications!! *rolleyes*




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