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<rant about BBC Doom Mongers removed>


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Del I didn't get to see the rant before it was removed but I was thinking exactly the same, watching the news this lunch-time - talk about inciting panic!!


Even their story about the house in Norfolk that was worth £80k now being valued at £1 - yet in the newspaper it said the owners had paid £20k in 1987 and were hoping it would be worth £80k now.



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They are culpable for so much scare and frieght at the moment


I took the rant down as its was just that

But the redundancies at Persimmon were trailed for 3 day then talked about for 2


Then the running total for the week is discussed


This housing crash is becoming self fulfilling


Its did not start as a confidence issue it was purley liquidity of the banks


Now its a confidence issue and s far I know of over 3000 redundancies this week in the core companies alone


Forget all thier suppliers


Ugly women are more gratefull and could serve a purpose , doesn't mean you will look good with one on your arm

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So, if I understand what you are saying here Del,


The banks stop lending money - to us and between themselves, as they've been a bit too 'free' with their lending criteria.


This then causes the 'credit crunch'


The number of Mortgage deals reduces significantly.


People can't afford to buy / move.


Nowt to do with self-fulfilling crashes, people can't afford houses.


Edited by - mav on 8 Jul 2008 18:31:46

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You are wasted


I'm sure Newsnight could do with your insight




BBC continually highlights issues consumer confidence goes down the pan .

Persimmon were on the news for 5 days over one days redundancies


All we hear is we are heading for a receccsion to the point that we are all believeing it


So the more the BBC highlights the issue the more scared to pepole are






Ugly women are more gratefull and could serve a purpose , doesn't mean you will look good with one on your arm

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Believe it or not, we are pretty mush already in recession!


I do work in the financial industry as you know, and I can tell you it's tough out there, and getting tougher!


House buying is related to a couple of things. Peoples ability to be able to afford a house in the first place, and secondly the availablility of funding such a purchase.


The banks aint lending the money, so what do you do now, if you can't borrow?

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driving more like an old woman


Well if she's in a fecking Micra you are still going too fast *mad* *mad* *mad*




And on subject, two things strike me, the economy/UK PLC is not good and we will see a 'technical recession', the medja oversimplify things and love banging on day after day after day about the same thing which causes much grief to brainless prats that exists in large numbers (see the 'they walk among us thread') in our society.


Still doesn't stop me from going out and trying to create new business/do new things but must say my spending has been reduced to cover rising costs elsewhere (basically fuel).

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I was thinking about you Delbert this AM when I heard about Redrow laying 40% of their people off.


Now I grant you that Mrs GTD and I have been known to shout 'Batsrads' at Redrow vans as we try and run them off the road, *nono*, but I wouldn't wish redundancy on anyone. Except maybe the senior management who are trying to go along with this eco town carp!




Warning - no Caterham content here

No Eco town here please

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Everytime I go to a meeting now I check to see where the HR Angel of Death is


Its no longer clearing out the dead wood its almost alphabetical

Doesn't even have financial bearing at the moment , my team are up 20% on the plan but are they safe ????????




The bean counters are all safe though


Ugly women are more gratefull and could serve a purpose , doesn't mean you will look good with one on your arm

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  • Area Representative

If I understand the original intention correctly, the honest answer is that there is too much air-time, too much broadcasting and too much other news "meddja".

Thus any news gets over reported with too much speculation and too much analysis.

In many ways, I would prefer too see broadcasting reduced back to the days (when I was young - it's not so long ago*) when the testcard existed. Nothing in the morning, blank periods in the afternoons and close down at about midnight. (except for cricket Test Matches of course *wink*).


* Note for Paul - you remember these days too!


Democratic dissent is not disloyalty, it is a positive civic duty.

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We're rather busy Del *wink* *wink* And..If you wish to get back into the industry I know of a certain HUGE contractor working on a 4 year £350million plus scheme that are looking for experienced people..........


As for a lot of house builders....Tis a sad fact that housebuilding is market driven...If people can't afford new houses...we don't build them! The biggest guys are shedding staff and minimising the operations before they go bust to weather the upcoming storm! We've certainly noticed that currently, we can get brickies, chippies, etc etc where 6 months ago it was almost impossible!


Dannyboy *tongue*


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At least it means we'll have lots of home grown labour to finish all the development projects for the Olympics ahead of schedule. Under budget too as they'll all be out-bidding each other for the work!


wonder if i should email my MP to ask him to raise this issue for me in case they've not thought of that particular upside to the current economic situation.

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And it's exactly that sort of cr*p that is the reason the industry dies so damn quickly.....At best, a contractor can expect to make 2-3% profit......why would people expect for us to reduce costs/ profit even further??

The only people who do, will cut corners...then you moan about a cr*p job!


As for home grown labour....there is very little these days! And those that are, you find the work ethic is terrible! We've reluctantly found that, immigrant labour works harder and to a better quality generally!


Dannyboy *tongue*


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Well this is what I'm wondering Danny - will the 'redundancies' (ie those that have been employed less than 2 years) mean there's a a bit of an exodus back to Poland rather than a bigger queue at the job centre!?



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I know you are


And unless you changed companies I'm with your Tech Director on Friday


My point is that the industry as a whole is not on its arse but Medja repition is causing an increased scare


Yup some Yank banks cocked up big time and are now recouping thier losses buy making mortgaes un affordable


Howver the building industry is not ****ed

Plenty of schools / sociall housing / hospitals / shopping centres etc


I'm over budget for profit but the scare stories are causing the painic


If the Media ((and the BBC in this case is the worst , (Day 6 of the persimmon redundancy story)) would shut the **** up and go back to scaring us into floods and global warming instead I might keep all my staff and grow my company


However we are british and like to talk ourselves into despair and dispondancy



Ugly women are more gratefull and could serve a purpose , doesn't mean you will look good with one on your arm

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Well...the company I refer to is rather larger than Osborne Del......


If you're in Redhill let me know.....I could be in the area....


Or if it's Friday this week...I'm likely to be working from our remote office at Goodwood 😬 😬 😬


Dannyboy *tongue*


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Its no longer clearing out the dead wood its almost alphabetical


Is that why you have changed your name to 'Delbert Zybrano' Del? *eek* *tongue* *wavey*


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