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Shelsley - a brilliant day!

Andrew Willoughby

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Well, after all of the jitters about the weather it turned out pretty well - a few sprinkles of rain to keep us on our toes, then a bone dry run for some stunning finishes.


Class 1 is really good this year - a great group of super-competitive but very friendly and supportive drivers. I'm really pleased that such a good group of us were able to do battle today at this very special place.


I found the split times on the Shelsley computers really good - are these available for us to pore over at home?



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Echo Andrews thoughts on class one and yesterday.


Very glad to have done Shelsey, even if I never get to do it again.


Despite coming last in class I felt great after conquering my "Volvo right foot" to make up almost 4 seconds between my timed runs and beat my personal target for the day.


Class 1 is obviously the place to be this year with quite a few friendly battles not just for top place but between individual competitors.


I have quite a bit of video of the runs kindly taken by Steve Yeomans on my camera, just need to work out how to publish it on line (its the thick end of a 60 min DV tape!)






R287 Mobile Jaffa Cake- It's black at both ends with a smashing orangey bit in the middle here

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Well done to everyone how was there yesterday. Thank you Robin for keeping me on my toes and being quicker than me through the esses.


It difficult to say the drive of the day it has to be either Mike or Mark. I have to give it to Mike who was only just behind me by 0.2 sec and taking over 1 second of the class record.


did anyone win the yellow trowel?



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*thumbup*yes great day, how did it stay so dry?


nasty weather coming back down M5 and then up Birdlip hill!!


great company, excellent breakfast and a beer at the end of the day, what could be better 😬


thought i had lost my chance after my problems at the start of the first timed run, but with a bit of luck put in a reasonable time in on the 2nd run. ISTR there was less than 1s between all the runners in the combined class5/6, but well done to mr Rogers AGAIN!!!


roll on Loton *thumbup*


Edited by - robmar on 6 Jul 2008 17:43:43

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Safe to say I think we all had a good day. Great atmosphere as ever and the freindly rivalry and banter all help to make the day memorable.

Not studied the results but I noted some quick times as the day went on, none less than Mike Sankey in the last round, don't know what they put in them cigars Mike but I might join you at lunchtime at the next meeting 😬.Well done

Pleased to have been of assistance Dave, must remember to try just a bit harder next time, not Loton though unfortunatly


It's the shock absorbers next *wink*



SUPERLIGHT 176. PINK LIPS AND BITS *redface* *redface* *redface*

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A great day and I have to agree that Mike Sankey deserves drive of the day for taking over a second off the class record with a time that would have got second in class 3 *thumbup*


I was pleased with my improvement especially as I finished within 0.3secs of Simon and 0.15secs of Adrian with only 189.7bhp 😬


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*



Edited by - Mark Durrant on 6 Jul 2008 19:47:06

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Amazing experience! When I went there to watch 30(ish) years ago I never imagined that I would be competing one day.

Thanks to all who used muscle power to get me going after starter motor failure and congratulations, especially to Mike and Mark, on some great times.


Its either time for a pat on the back or a BHP inquiry

I reckon I could get some class 4 volunteers to get the engine out!





Edited by - 4* on 6 Jul 2008 23:10:24

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Yep - that's a good time considering Simon has I think done Shelsley just twice?


Season's going OK - two class wins so far and second in class in the championship. I struggle to do well at Prescott but love Shelsley and I'm getting close to Ash Mason's record at Loton Park with a best so far of 56.26 (on list 1A). The record is 56.14.

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Yup, a really good day with great company.

I think I must have chosen one of the 'brave' cigars before the last run as it worked from the start - I was having to change up earlier on every point on the run. There was serious pressure from all the Class 2 competitors (who posted faster times than me in practice) and with the times all coming down on the last run I knew I had to push more. Must admit that when I saw the time at the top I had to run to the timing hut to check it was true!! I wish I could say I perfectly executed a cunning plan, but I think it was just one of those runs where everything goes right *biggrin* But thank you all for the kind words.

Well done to Mark as well, and having seen the photo of Simon at the botton Esses I will just have to take more kerb in future!

Great day 😬 😬

Mike *smokin*

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Too damn right dad! 😬 😬 we don't want any pesky interlopers!! I'm keeping the trophy polished.... *wink*


Hmm....best get them soon then....have car, applying for license and ARDS test....and, hopefully might be able to debut this year..maybe Cadwell...yes..a nice safe circuit 😳 😳 If not...full season next year....


If I get my old shed repaired in time...I may come play at Anglesey *wink* prior to selling the old beast..or...I could enter the classic in Class 1....


Dannyboy *tongue*


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Even thought it's violet, and on rubbish tyres (a539's) and has a massive 98.5 bhp...........wowser!! 😬 😬 oh...and various panels show signs of race 'wear'.. 😬 😬 though, I assume that may increase!!!


Dannyboy *tongue*


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Yup was a brill day, great fun and great competition..

I was whooping like a monkey when I finished my last run beacuse it was .05 under Mike's T1, only to have him turn up 20 seconds later and completely obliterate it! Well done Mike - an awesome performance *smile* Roger, Paul and I must formulate an evil plan if we're to stand a chance..

Well done Neil also for achieving your personal target - thats what its all about mate!

Can't wait for Loton - see you there chaps!

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A great day out spectating for my father and I too, thanks *thumbup*. How many 82 year olds can hop into a 7? When we got home he fished out a couple of books he'd been given in 1938 about motor racing, covering Shelsley Walsh and the legendary Raymond Mays.

A few pictures on my web site.




See my Build Cam to check on my Roadsport Sigma. Updated photos!

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