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MIRA Hints...


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MIRA seems to be the bogey track for H5 URF. The last 2 years, we have been unable to attend despite having been booked, because of mechanical maladies.


So, what is the key to getting MIRA right - I appreciate that there are no videos available, so can someone please talk me round?



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Michael there's a video in car with Brodie on the club DVD from 2004, I still have a copy if you want to borrow it.


You can also do the convoy run with me if you don't mind missing out driving it at a slow pace. Unless you can get two runs in of course *tongue*


The left hander is easily flat in a class 3 car but the right hander at tower certainly isn't but as mav said it's faster than it looks.


It can't be that difficult guys it's only 4 corners and three applications of brake the rest is just an acceleration zone 😬



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  • Leadership Team

Well, I am just glad that I'm not the only sad bod thinking about next week at this time on a Friday evening ...


Thanks for the input - Adrian, I may take you up on your offer (although unless Caterham deliver me the steering column bushes I have on order, we could yet miss 3/3 MIRAs... ☹️




Edited by - Mcalvert on 6 Jun 2008 23:55:53

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Michael - keep us in formed regarding the CC issue etc. There must be someone out there we can whip them off to get you there.


What exactly are you waiting for. We could maybe machine them up?


As far as MIRA well I have been driving the track in my head for the last few nights.


Just went to Competitors Corner to check the times and my Class 5 time is 48.89sec


(Wow Adrian this is going to be one of the biggest differences %age wise of the year for you!) You'll arrive at Tower and the last corner and *cry* *cry* *cry* *cry* *cry* *cry*


The first left off the start is all about keeping the car on the edge of grip without getting it loose as this affects the speed you carry onto the back "straight". Basically as soon as you see the manhole cover its FLAT all the way through the speed trap up to tower. The off camber crest as you get onto the straight is off putting but it really is FLAT. Not a problem for you the way your driving this year Michael *eek*


Tower is as Mav says the big one in my opinion. Until I got the paddle shift I could genuinely say I never got it right ever! Missed gears, to fast too slow etc. But the last 2 years have been great. My target for this year is much greater apex speed here!


The next left is much quicker than you think and really can help your speed up the final straight if you get it right.


Big brake and hang on around the final left. Don't worry about it being sideways here as the tyres are no warm and it doesn't seem to harm the times that much.


Rob M *wavey* THE RECORD FOR CLASS 5 IS WRONG *wavey*


After the way the times have fallen at other venues of this type I'm targeting sub 48 sec this year

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I think what throws people at MIRA is that there is so much more grip there than virtually any other track that I can think of. The grip at the first corner on cold tyres surprises me every time *thumbup*


Sadly won't be there this year as my broken engine is still in bits *cry*

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Arrive early and help with setup - then you can also walk the complex before everyone else arrives *wink*, the complex layout is slightly different each year which can have a dramtic effect on times. If the complex is setup tight then ☹️


set the car up for a very smooth , very grippy track = lots and lots of damper *biggrin*


get on the throttle early out of the first long corner once the car has taken a set in the never ending corner, dont lift for the kink and dont let the long grass spook you out.


carry lots of speed into the complex - more then you ever think is sane. Try carrying a gear higher into here - maybe 5th in 6 speeder and then change down for the second left hander of the complex.


focus on carrying good speed out of the complex onto the straight - using all of the available track 5mph here = 8mph at the end of the straight *thumbup*


and finally - dont forget the suncream - its a hotspot on that expanse of tarmac.


here is C7 TOP

Taffia rear gunner


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Dark Side guide here


and a slightly more comprehensive one with photos somehowhere




See you Saturday




R287 Mobile Jaffa Cake- It's black at both ends with a smashing orangey bit in the middle here.......Now with added TORTOISE


Edited by - Neil1202 on 9 Jun 2008 20:34:57

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