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What a great day at Pembrey


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Indeed it was 😬


The Welsh sun dance obviously worked and we are both pink, tired and happy. I know I'm biased, but I'm really proud of Michael's first in class 🥰


Also a big well done to Shaun for a stonking time and a 4th overall, to Nicki for a truly brilliant first event and to the girls for being good sports, and sooooo supportive *wavey*


See you at Mira



Drowned Rat Racing

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My turn for the thanks - both to club members and to some "greater power" 🤔


A cracking weekend as has been said by everyone else - a relaxed trackday, and two days of closely competitive sprinting around a fast and demanding course. *cool* My "Yellow Trowel" award on Saturday way certainly deserved *redface*- travelling sideways at high speed down the grass, looking at the approaching tyrewall was a sobering experience, but no damage other than a bit of gravel-rash and a pounding heart.


Today, an alltogether more successful start to the day for H5 URF, which stayed on the grey stuff until the end of the day. 😬 Then, drove a couple of miles to fill up - pulled put of the petrol station, turned right and ... the steering wheel came off in my hand. The upper steering column had sheared and I was left at 90º across the road. Thanks to Nigel Fox, & Alan Johnson for getting me off the road, and especially to Adrian & Dom who took Adrian's car to bits so I could drive home. What a great club *thumbup*


Roll on MIRA - Michael.

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Feel human again now I've had a proper shower and food 😬


Well done Michael, great performance today. Scary to think the steering could have gone in a less forgiving situation. Will you send the failed shaft back to Caterham for them to investigate the failure 🤔


Great atmosphere over the weekend as usual, Thanks to Malcolm (Our man with the van)Nice to have such a great facility available for club members.


See you all at Mira *wavey*





Going shopping for some front end grip this week 😬



SUPERLIGHT 176. PINK LIPS AND BITS *redface* *redface* *redface*


Edited by - Clawhammer on 1 Jun 2008 22:30:07

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Thanks from me too, and nice to make new contacts.

Another good weekend, and I think I've found the answer to my problems...

I have to drive faster, that's it!


Looking forward to Mira,

and how do all you guys get home so early?





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yes, it was a great weekend! I was happy to be 1/100th behind Mark after run 1 on saturday, though Mark, as expected, managed to widen the gap slightly by the end.


Nicki really enjoyed herself, and can't wait for the next event, even after sunday's slightly more disappointing runs (by both of us). Well doen to Nigel for a great time on sunday, and to Shaun for some top results.


As for your failure Michael... that is VERY scarey!!! Was the colum new with the re-build?

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We had a brilliant weekend.

It could have been a very different story though as my de-dion tube broke during the trackday on Friday. I thought I was going to end up going home on a flatbed but several people proved what an excellent club this is. My heartfelt thanks go to the following:

Gill, my wife, for driving from Slough to Redline in Caterham, collecting a new tube and bringing it to Pembrey (arriving about 9.00pm).

Simon Rogers for the use of his garage, tools and his labour plus feeding us and letting us sleep on his lounge floor. (Thanks to Fiona too)

Adrian Williams for trailering my car to Simon's and helping with replacing the tube.

Mark Durrant for organising all of the above in my moment of despair and then scrubbing in (or was that trashing?) my brand new sprint tyres.

Oh and not forgetting Mike Sankey for entertaining the ladies while the rest of us toiled away in the garage 😬. (Thanks for the mirror as well Mike *thumbup*)



Yellow SL *cool* #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing

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A terrific three days in sunny south Wales *thumbup*


My thanks go to:


Clive & Sian McCall for their hospitality and the mother of all hangovers

Simon & Fiona Rogers for the BBQ on Saturday *wavey*

Shaun for letting me rag, sorry scrub in his new Kumho's 😬 I obviosly did a good job given both Shaun's and Gill's improvement over the course of the weekend *thumbup*

Malcolm Godfrey for manning the ESV and joining in with the banter in the paddock

Everyone else for the great spirit in the paddock and posting some terrific times *thumbup*




I will hopefully get the results via email and I'll forward these to you as soon as they hit my in box.


See you at MIRA


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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It was a great couple of days *smile*. A fast but tight & technical circuit with some stunning drives put in on Saturday from Simon & Adrian *smokin* *thumbup*.

Sorry I had rush off so early but hope to see you all again later in the year.


Hi David, could you blatmail me about the tyres?




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You are all very welcome 😶‍🌫️


I know it was stressful Shaun but I thoroughly enjoyed the upheaval of Friday night.


Even though there may be some overalls in the offing. NOT *nono*


It is nice to know that I know my wife so well though 🥰


I think I have an adrenaline hang over following some of those runs. And by the look of some of the others and the amount they were shaking there are a few others too.


Video up soon.



Giving it some Welly. As Always!

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Just put my head above the work parapet to post something nice about a super weekend at Pembrey, only to find you have all got there hours before me (bit like the times really)

Anyway just to add my thanks to Mark as ever for putting it all together, to Malcolm and the club for providing the excellent base for us all to enjoy. Lets hope the weather remains as kind for the rest of the season.

Michael, so glad your steering problem didn't show itself up 24 hours earlier, and that your memories of the weekend remain primarily that stonking time on Sunday.

Finally a quick appolgy to Jeff S and Robin for the somewhat risque overtaking manoeuver (complete with trailer) at the traffic lights on the way to the motorway, didn't realise 2 lanes became one so quickly


Only got MIRA entry in at the deadline so hope to see you all there

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I just want to echo everyone's comments about the great weekend. I really do think that the ESV contributes significantly to the enjoyment of the event - so many thanks Malcolm.


To add my 2penneth about the greatness of the club, I also wanted to thank MarkD, SimonR and MikeS for the assistance with efforts and tools sorting my sheared alternator and exhaust bolts. I particularly enjoyed Mark's entertaining way of getting the belt back on the water pump which gave the fear to most stood around the car!


It was great to see a new class 3 winner (well done Michael - thoroughly well deserved).


See you at MIRA.





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