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Cadwell open pit lane format - what did you think ?


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It worked well I think, and I certainly enjoy the more relaxed format.


There were some big speed differences between cars and some obvious differences in driver ability but I guess that we had no more problems than on a sessioned day (comiserations to the driver of the new Graduate car and also to Matthew Biggart whose engine threw a rod). What did the drivers who are normally in the green and blue groups think ?

I confess to having a couple of moments with cars on the straight leading up to the foot of the mountain and on reflection I will need to take a little more care in open pit lane sessions here. My closing speed was possibly greater than they were used to and they moved over as I was comitted to overtake. Not really their fault.

If you are one of those cars take pleasure in the fact that if it worried you at the time, it gave my sphincter a thorough workout *biggrin*


More please Geoff !



Edited by - ecr on 29 Apr 2008 11:31:48


Edited by - ecr on 29 Apr 2008 11:32:49


Edited by - ecr on 29 Apr 2008 11:33:40

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As with many things, there are pluses and minuses.


OPL definitely is more relaxed, without the rush to do adjustments etc between sessions.


Downside is that you don't get a "clear run" due to the mix up of speeds.


Also, perhaps crucially, I presume we had less spaces available by going OPL, and were oversubscribed. Without a clear preference from people for OPL, perhaps we should satisfy demand for spaces by making it sessioned. Or is it "chicken and egg", the demand level comes from a clear preference to have OPL?


Discuss *idea*

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This was my first track day with the club, I've done some before with Bookatrack and Lotus on Track. I've never done a sessioned track day, even when a complete novice. The relaxed manner that this format gives, rather than the pressure to 'get your minutes in', makes it my preferred format. So much so that I wouldn't consider paying for a sessioned trackday.



Dusty Miller

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OPL was excellent at Cadwell and made for a very relaxing day with almost unlimited track time available *smile*. Many thanks once again to Geoff & his team *thumbup*


Roger, having been told yesterday how you stop your helmet from getting smelly I really didn't need to discover today how you excercise your sphincter 😳 You can have too much information you know *nono*>



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This was my 3rd trackday, all at cadwell. the first two, club days, i have been in the novice sessions. I was a bit daunted by the OPL prior to the event but found it good once we were up and running, I ran 5 stints on the track after the sighting lap, 130 mls on the track, my first drive of my car this year and my shins are aching 😳 ps. sorry if i got in anyones way and i hope my overtaking maneuvers were OK. that should cover any apologies 😬


kevin R

black(but sometimes orange)-ali HPC

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Speaking to several of you on Monday, the OPL was well received and the day was very relaxed. I know that the downside for the faster drivers was that they couldn't get a clear run due to the mix of speeds but I don't think that this spoiled their day.


A few people (Novices etc) were daunted at the begining by the OPL arrangement but at the end of the day when I spoke to them, they were surprised how unpressurised they actually felt when out on track. If anything I felt that the driving standards were higher on Monday, with people using their mirrors more, moving over quicker to allow faster cars to overtake, and we didn't seem to have queues of cars that we sometimes have on sessions with drivers not moving over.


The day was oversubscibed but no more so than in previous years. We ran fewer cars with OPL, and from an organisational point of view, it was far easier to run on the day. I had more time on track than I've ever had on a club track day, and probably enjoyed this track day more than any other that I've organised over the last few years.

There is also for me the attraction of the comradrie on our days and meeting up with friends and like minded enthusiasts.


Of course OPL days are going to be more expensive, I haven't made Oulton OPL as it would mean an entry fee of around £250, Are people prepared to pay this on top of accomodation etc? Not everyone can afford this and it's trying to please everyone.


BTW I still have places left for Oulton on the 22nd July, if you enjoyed Monday so Much and want more.


May be we should do 2 OPL days at Cadwell next year.


Geoff *smile*




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I definitely prefer the OPL format - more relaxed and you tend to get much more time on track. My only real concern would be for the novices amoungst us, but if we get positive feedback from them then that's fine.
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for OPL novice and complete beginners, then I run a couple of trackdays a year that are suitable for complete novices.


I've also convinced Jonny at BAT to run some novice only trackdays, which are intended for people to learn in an un pressured and 'quieter' environment.


Next one is at Donington soonish I think

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OPL was an excellent decision *thumbup*. I got more track miles and in a timeframe that suited me. Let's do it again next year.


BTW Geoff, referring to the other Cadwell thread in ChitChat, were there any comments on our day being particularly noisy, as has been suggested? And, is there a drive-by on the mountain?


*arrowright* *arrowright*Harry Flatters *arrowright* *arrowright* *thumbup*

AKA Steve Mell - Surrey AR and Su77on Se7ener

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I spoke to the clerk of the course at the end of the day who comented that the day had gone very well and the noise issue certainly wasn't mentioned but neither did I bring it up. However I'm not aware of any noise meter situated at the Mountain.


At the end of the day I agree with Alex's comments concerning slower drivers and if drivers drive with respect for others with varying abilities and experience, which I believe they do on club track days, then I see no reason why we should encounter problems, or why anyone should feel intimidated. If they do, then please let us know on the day and we can take steps to sort it out.


Not only the first timers but some of the regulars were concerned at how the OPL would run on Monday, and as it turned out, people were pleasantly surprised on the sucess of it.


I'll try and order the sun again at Oulton...


Geoff *smile*


Edited by - Geoff P on 30 Apr 2008 15:57:49

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ECR - do you drive an orange caged freestyle car? If so, I had a hairy moment as you charged into my apex at Charlies One with me going onto the marbles up the hill with no track on my right....


Other than that, I liked OPL as it removes the time pressures on the day - no watching the clock waiting for your session and BIG PLUS - no snake to clear on the opening few laps as people build up speed (in a green group this can last for most of the session, which is why I normally try and get into the blue group on sessioned days.


A great day out Geoff - and I am glad you got time to enjoy it. I went past you several times on track 😬


The only downer was when, focusing on the exit after the apex at Park, I took too much kerb at the apex - that last bit of rumble strip doesn't have ridges, it has BRICKS. My front right rim is a little deformed now. ☹️



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I'm definitely a fan of OPL. No pressure to 'get out there' for your 20 minutes, giving you time to changes tyres, check the car over, change your underwear *rolleyes*


I think the driving was to the usual high standard you expect at a 7 club day and the camaradarie was as ever great.


Steve, I know who drives the car in question and I sure this was unfortunate incident as I was following him 😬 for several laps and did not observe any 'risky' manoeuvres. As Roger mentioned we all are probably guilty of less than perfect behaviour, albeit rarely. I myself was guilty on one occasion of just 'assuming' I was going to go past another car just before Park, which caused me to get two wheels onto the grass, but totally 100% my fault and apologies to the driver of N7 LOT? whoever you are *wavey*


I have been on one or two non 7 related trackdays in the past where the standard of driving has been frankly, scary. One was a few years ago and was a Aston Martin Owners Club Day at Donnington and was the day before one of their meetings, sso in reality was a thinly veiled 'test day' with several people were using this as a chance to gain circuit expereince an 'test' the car. Despite being told the usual track day rules may instances of overtaking in corners, intimidating slowers drivers and about the only person to get pulled over all day was me for noise!!












L7 EVL *evil*

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I'm not sure I really want to read this thread "of what a great time you all had!"


Business trip to Rajastan, only 45degC in the shade, 5 hours on India's road (each way) which can best be described as free for all

The rule of the road appears to be cows at the top of the 'food' chain, followed by big has priority, high degree of self belief and when your time is due etc you are just unfortunate if the person heading towards you is also their day to go

.... twin axles Tatas carrying+35tonnes overtaking each other towards oncoming traffic *eek*


Anyway, glad you all had a good time

Obviously I was not at Cadwell and he original topic from ECR was seeking for comments from all but my experience to OPL from the Le Sept trips is that it work well and even better if there are say just two sessioned periods in the day, initially one for track learning and then one later on for the 'confident'


The club days are for all members and new track members should be encouraged while we still have a chance *wink*


A10ROX now garaged with D10ROX (Red GT3)!

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