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Goodwood results?


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Rob - The results have now been sent out to us by email. If Mark hasn't got them to you yet then blatmail me and I will send them to on you.



Yellow SL *cool* #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing

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Please note the best time below does not include the 3rd run but for us the 3rd run counts.

Comp No	Driver			Pract.	Timed 1	Timed 2	Best	Improve Pos.	Class	% Improvement

79 David Grewcock N/S - - - - - - -

778 Matthew Willoughby 111.77 107.63 107.16 107.16 104.78 47 28 2.2%

78 Andrew Willoughby 113.33 107.32 107.64 107.32 104.76 48 29 2.4%

77 Neil Fraser 118.99 118.49 118.76 118.49 114.96 64 39 3.0%

76 Michael Burnham 124.91 124.08 124.62 124.08 122.18 65 40 1.5%

75 Alan Johnson 121.78 117.67 119.63 117.67 115.11 62 37 2.2%

774 Michael Sankey 102.04 98.97 99.20 98.97 97.77 22 11 1.2%

74 Kate Sankey - 111.36 108.61 108.61 105.69 49 30 2.7%

73 Paul Collins 108.06 105.88 104.37 104.37 104.39 39 22 0.0%

72 Stephen Herring 113.10 103.39 104.37 103.39 102.81 37 20 0.6%

71 Peter Lethbridge 103.42 101.46 100.83 100.83 101.15 29 15 -0.3%

70 Robert Spencer 107.90 103.65 105.37 103.65 105.19 38 21 -1.5%

69 Matthew Jenkins 101.99 100.83 101.01 100.83 99.73 29 15 1.1%

68 Rod Thonger 122.68 115.29 117.27 115.29 113.03 61 36 2.0%

67 Graham Howard 104.90 103.44 102.97 102.97 102.28 36 19 0.7%

766 Stuart Vickers 121.22 116.96 113.28 113.28 110.67 57 34 2.3%

66 Mike Vickers 112.00 109.56 110.81 109.56 108.54 51 32 0.9%

65 Colin Heseltine 109.67 114.27 106.61 106.61 106.86 45 26 -0.2%

64 Roger Cumming 100.62 99.83 103.15 99.83 102.05 26 14 -2.2%

63 Geoff Dixon 98.83 96.22 96.55 96.22 96.97 12 4 -0.8%

62 David Nelson 99.05 94.94 95.72 94.94 94.65 8 2 0.3%

61 Grahame Wardall 102.98 97.22 97.45 97.22 97.07 17 8 0.2%

60 Alan Bowler 112.17 108.68 106.52 106.52 105.19 44 25 1.2%

759 Gemma Hawkes 141.23 132.61 130.71 130.71 125.88 68 41 3.7%

59 Christopher Hawkes 119.09 108.91 109.51 108.91 105.54 50 31 3.1%

58 Robin Brackett 108.43 101.76 99.36 99.36 99.67 24 13 -0.3%

757 Tamar Calvert 117.97 109.03 106.99 106.99 107.05 46 27 -0.1%

57 Micheal Calvert 106.09 100.44 97.19 97.19 97.38 15 7 -0.2%

56 Joseph Bennett 110.33 107.92 105.38 105.38 105.30 42 24 0.1%

54 Roger Burns 106.06 100.92 102.10 100.92 99.75 31 17 1.2%

53 Jeff Smith 104.93 100.42 98.99 98.99 97.89 23 12 1.1%

52 Nigel Fox 114.24 Retired - - - - - -

51 Neil Cavanagh 98.95 96.85 95.79 95.79 94.61 10 3 1.2%

750 Lynn Gilbert 113.30 105.23 113.88 105.23 - 41 23 -

50 Chris Howard-Harris 100.09 96.52 98.46 96.52 - 13 5 -

49 Martin Bushaway 108.37 102.14 101.80 101.80 100.90 32 18 0.9%

48 Paul Forster 99.77 98.12 97.82 97.82 97.05 20 9 0.8%

47 John Caldicott 117.99 111.03 111.86 111.03 112.41 53 33 -1.2%

746 Lee Cuningham N/S - - - - - - -

46 John Lyon 99.26 97.39 97.08 97.08 96.86 14 6 0.2%

745 Shaun Elwell 106.09 99.80 98.50 98.50 96.78 21 10 1.7%

45 Gill Elwell 124.33 118.94 118.09 118.09 112.68 63 38 4.6%

44 Paul Gibb Excluded for noise- - - - -

43 Adrian Williams - 92.69 89.79 89.79 89.64 5 1 0.2%

42 James Moreton N/S - - - - - - -

41 Adam Hay 99.74 114.56 135.15 114.56 - 60 35 -


Yellow SL *cool* #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing


Edited by - Shaun_E on 28 Apr 2008 11:05:10

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I've re-workd the results to include the 3rd timed run as well... which is what our championship will be based on I believe. The results from Bognor were calculated on the first 2 timed runs only...


Comp No.	Driver	Club	Car	Championship	Class	Practice	Timed Run 1	Timed Run 2	Improvement Run	Best Time	Overall Position	Class Position	% Improvement


79 David Grewcock Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 N/S 999.00 - - 999.00 - - -

778 Matthew Willoughby Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 111.77 107.63 107.16 104.78 104.78 43 24 0.0%

78 Andrew Willoughby Lotus Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 113.33 107.32 107.64 104.76 104.76 42 23 0.0%

77 Neil Fraser Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 118.99 118.49 118.76 114.96 114.96 63 38 0.0%

76 Michael Burnham Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 124.91 124.08 124.62 122.18 122.18 65 40 0.0%

75 Alan Johnson Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 121.78 117.67 119.63 115.11 115.11 64 39 0.0%

774 Michael Sankey Lotus 7 Caterham Superlight LOTUS 7 9 102.04 98.97 99.20 97.77 97.77 23 11 0.0%

74 Kate Sankey Lotus 7 Caterham Superlight LOTUS 7 9 - 111.36 108.61 105.69 105.69 48 29 0.0%

73 Paul Collins Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 108.06 105.88 104.37 104.39 104.37 40 22 0.0%

72 Stephen Herring Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 113.10 103.39 104.37 102.81 102.81 37 20 0.0%

71 Peter Lethbridge Lotus 7 / BRMC Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 103.42 101.46 100.83 101.15 100.83 31 17 -0.3%

70 Robert Spencer Lotus7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 107.90 103.65 105.37 105.19 103.65 38 21 -1.5%

69 Matthew Jenkins Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 101.99 100.83 101.01 99.73 99.73 27 14 0.0%

68 Rod Thonger Lotus 7 Lotus 7 LOTUS 7 9 122.68 115.29 117.27 113.03 113.03 59 36 0.0%

67 Graham Howard Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 104.90 103.44 102.97 102.28 102.28 34 19 0.0%

766 Stuart Vickers Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 121.22 116.96 113.28 110.67 110.67 54 33 0.0%

66 Mike Vickers Lotus 7 Club Caterham 7 SV LOTUS 7 9 112.00 109.56 110.81 108.54 108.54 51 32 0.0%

65 Colin Heseltine Lotus 7 Club Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 109.67 114.27 106.61 106.86 106.61 49 30 -0.2%

64 Roger Cumming Lotus 7 Club Caterham Road Sport LOTUS 7 9 100.62 99.83 103.15 102.05 99.83 29 16 -2.2%

63 Geoff Dixon Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 98.83 96.22 96.55 96.97 96.22 12 4 -0.8%

62 David Nelson Lotus 7 Caterham Superlight LOTUS 7 9 99.05 94.94 95.72 94.65 94.65 9 3 0.0%

61 Grahame Wardall Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 102.98 97.22 97.45 97.07 97.07 18 9 0.0%

60 Alan Bowler Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 112.17 108.68 106.52 105.19 105.19 44 25 0.0%

759 Gemma Hawkes Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 141.23 132.61 130.71 125.88 125.88 67 41 0.0%

59 Christopher Hawkes Lotus 7 Caterham Roadsport LOTUS 7 9 119.09 108.91 109.51 105.54 105.54 47 28 0.0%

58 Robin Brackett Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 108.43 101.76 99.36 99.67 99.36 25 13 -0.3%

757 Tamar Calvert Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 117.97 109.03 106.99 107.05 106.99 50 31 -0.1%

57 Micheal Calvert Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 106.09 100.44 97.19 97.38 97.19 21 10 -0.2%

56 Joseph Bennett Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 110.33 107.92 105.38 105.30 105.30 46 27 0.0%

54 Roger Burns Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 106.06 100.92 102.10 99.75 99.75 28 15 0.0%

53 Jeff Smith Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 104.93 100.42 98.99 97.89 97.89 24 12 0.0%

52 Nigel Fox Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 114.24 Retired 999.00 - 999.00 - - -

51 Neil Cavanagh Lotus 7 Caterham SV LOTUS 7 9 98.95 96.85 95.79 94.61 94.61 8 2 0.0%

750 Lynn Gilbert Lotus 7 Caterham Superlight LOTUS 7 9 113.30 105.23 113.88 - 105.23 45 26 -

50 Chris Howard-Harris Lotus 7 Caterham Superlight LOTUS 7 9 100.09 96.52 98.46 - 96.52 13 5 -

49 Martin Bushaway Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 108.37 102.14 101.80 100.90 100.90 32 18 0.0%

48 Paul Forster Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 99.77 98.12 97.82 97.05 97.05 17 8 0.0%

47 John Caldicott Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 117.99 111.03 111.86 112.41 111.03 55 34 -1.2%

746 Lee Cuningham Lotus 7 Caterham LOTUS 7 9 N/S - - 999.00 999.00 - - -

46 John Lyon Lotus 7 Caterham LOTUS 7 9 99.26 97.39 97.08 96.86 96.86 15 7 0.0%

745 Shaun Elwell Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 106.09 99.80 98.50 96.78 96.78 14 6 0.0%

45 Gill Elwell Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 124.33 118.94 118.09 112.68 112.68 58 35 0.0%

44 Paul Gibb Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 Excluded for noise 999.00 999.00 - - -

43 Adrian Williams Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 - 92.69 89.79 89.64 89.64 5 1 0.0%

42 James Moreton Lotus 7 Caterham LOTUS 7 9 N/S - - 999.00 999.00 - - -

41 Adam Hay Lotus 7 Caterham 7 LOTUS 7 9 99.74 114.56 135.15 - 114.56 62 37 -



Edited by - neil.cavanagh on 28 Apr 2008 12:05:53

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add "open square bracket"code"close square bracket"" before the text, and "open square bracket" /code"close square bracket" after it


see "code" here


Edited by - Richard Price on 28 Apr 2008 11:55:01

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