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Bloody Cat in my Cat


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I like the look of those sonic things
No no no *nono* Someone up the road installed one; horrible nasty earsplitting headaching screeching noisy thing. Chose to walk the long way to the shops rather than expose my ears to it. No and again no. 😔


Though I've never met anyone else who had this problem. Perhaps it's just my delicate amphibian ears... *rolleyes*


*wink* nothing...

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I put a fresh dog (Rottweiler) turd on the passenger seat - it keeps the cat out of my car... *thumbup* I guess the cat can smell an agressor.


It was a bit of a bummer when I ran SWMBO down the shops though *eek* I forgot the cat deterent was there *eek* *eek*


Dry-sumped White Supersprint with poncey blue leather *smile*

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Well, I am not going to stick a tube up it's smiley bottom to administer some discipline.



That would be mistreatment and abuse


Is this not colonic irrigation... I always thought those that perform this act should be sent to jail for abuse to Humans.


As for cats, I've one (did have two but nasty blood virus got her) and other peoples cats still use our garden as a toliet.. and no, they don't always bury it. In fact, I've watched my cat use our own flower bed. She drops her load, walks a few paces away then kicks up mud to bury it. Unfortunatly just not in the same direction of the said load *thumbdown*.


As a cat owner I can simpathise with comments above, but I too would never harm a cat... but water is a good deterant. We had a larger/older cat scaring our two when we first moved in. They were too scared to venture into our own garden. A small water pistol/washing-up bottle of water soon sorted it.


We also had other cats coming into our house eating our cats food, even though we've a magnetic cat flap with reponding magnets on our cats. Water solved that too.


Now I get mice heads left on our patio.. fairly sure this is our cat so put in bin and move on.



White road legal 2.0 HPC VX race car 😬

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No no no Someone up the road installed one; horrible nasty earsplitting headaching screeching noisy thing. Chose to walk the long way to the shops rather than expose my ears to it. No and again no.


Though I've never met anyone else who had this problem. Perhaps it's just my delicate amphibian ears...


Not only you. They give me a headache within about 30 seconds of being in the area *cry*




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Forget the offensive smell its on the effin door mat
I bet whichever cat did it had read this thread 😬


"I'll get that miowing Delbert..." 😬 😬 😬 😬


Good Puss!! 😬 😬



😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬
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You guys must have good hearing *eek*


The one I linked to causes no ill to any of my family. It is movement activated, and the only way I can it is on, is because a little red light comes on.


Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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Pah so Mr Sull turns up now


But when I needed his help with the disparate Welsh ladies rugby team " The StradyVarious " where was he ????



Leaves one of my finest plays on words to wither and die *cool* *cool*




Mission accomplished

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"StradeyVarious" maybe?

I have a scripted search running against Blatchat every 5 minutes searching for specific words or phrases, this being one of them. If the search finds one of these phrases it immediately sends me a text message so I can access blatchat from wherever in the world I am and respond appropriately. The poster, however, needs to spell the bloody word right in the first place!




That could be the reason! *rolleyes*


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬
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Delbert should remember the rule of 3.


Whatever evil (or good) you say or do in this world, eventually you will get it back 3-fold. And evil includes injury and unpleasant behaviour to all living creatures. I hate woodlice and slugs, but I don't kill them.


Please remember ALL you cat-haters, that the feline using your garden as a toilet is almost certainly someone's beloved pet. If the owner was standing in your garden, would you still mistreat their animal?


The answer is NO, of course you wouldn't. So, if you have ANY kind of a conscience, don't do it when they aren't there. Use the RSPCA approved cat scarers by all means if you must, swear at it, but then take steps to protect YOUR property against an innocent animal that is only following its instincts.


Cats like to be comfortable. That is why Bailey is sleeping, unmolested in the laundry basket on top of clean sheets. The sheets can be re-washed. Bailey is irreplaceable. The cat that sleeps in your Se7en appreciates its comforts as much as you do. The late, great, much beloved Malibu aka Mogoid liked sleeping on any car. That was where he was the very last time I saw him as we were leaving for the USA tour.


I admit to occasionally using the houseplant water spray as a deterrent to the unwanted feline visitor who sneaks in and steals my cat's food, and chasing the stranger out of the garden, but that is all.


A Woman's Place is - in her Se7en

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The sheets can be re-washed.


So where are your enviromental credentials now then


If the owner was standing in your garden, would you still mistreat their animal?


No I would expect them to clear it up, as I would with a small child


And when have I ever been violent to the animal . Its the arrogance shown by certain owners in this thread that I take issue with


I am not happy living in a 3 cat toilet , that may be your idea of heaven


Mission accomplished

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My environmental credentials are intact thanks. There were muddy pawprints on the top couple of items which were pillowcases. Hardly a problem in the context of the next complete low temp wash is it. And I don't own a dryer, I use the garden, sun and sea air to dry my washing mostly, only indoors in the worst weather.


A Woman's Place is - in her Se7en

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