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Bloody Cat in my Cat


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Pull back the cover on my Se7en this afternoon and its got loads of stinkin cat hair in it. My Se7en sits on my driverway under a breathable cover, and so the neigbours frickin cat decides its a nice cosy place in the rain. I've seen it sitting on the bonnet too when been on a blat. If it scratces my paint work, its getting the same treatment that another cat got for scratching the bonnet of my Williams Clio many a year ago - grabbed by the scruff of the neck, and shoved under the cold tap in the kitchen. That got the little fecker some justice.


Bet the little fecker is the one that s***'s in the garden too - athough pyracanthas cuttings placed by the fence where the sod jumps into the garden fix that.


Rant mode off: I am sure cats are lovely creatures really, but go s*** in your own garden and scratch your owners car - not mine!


Any sheddly advice on my cat issue?


Scott MB - 1600GT


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Any sheddly advice on my cat issue?






or just get your own cat!


HE DOESN'T DESERVE ONE *evil* *nono* *nono*


As an owner of prize winning pedigree and Cat lover i find your post highly offensive!!!

i guess you're the type that would put a Cat in a Microwave and turn it on!!!

Cruelty to Cats really FECKS ME OFF!!! *evil* *evil* *evil*


LIVID *evil* *evil* *evil*



With huge appologies to the other shedders for posting this


Am off to calm down ☹️ ☹️









Saw it *eek* wanted it *tongue* needed Viagra 😬 got it! *thumbup* *smokin* here


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Cold water is not cruel. I used to use a water pistol on them... They get the message with no physical harm. It seems to me that Scott has more sense than to put a cat in a microwave. This is the kind of thing old ladies do.


As a cat owner, you may be happy to have cat crap all over your own garden, but other people have different views.


Unless, you live next door to Scott, why are you so upset? A quick bath is hardly cruel.

OK, he got a cat wet, but the cat caused damage to something he loves.

Would you rather he knocked on your door, and asked for you to have his car resprayed, as your cat had caused damage to his car?

Would you pay for the damage to be fixed? I very much doubt it.


If a cat got into my Caterham, I would be very upset, as SWMBO is allergic to cats, and this would spoil her enjoyment when we use the car.


The cat scarer I have linked to, is RSPCA approved, and is an effective deterrent. Heron sacrers also work well (The IR type which shoots a water jet)


Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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Fancy popping round and clearing up the cat **** my lawnmower has just sprayed




Wrong moment to look for support I'd happily parrafin the bugger 😔


I'm sure cats can be loverly b ut they roam and trespass.


If a dog did that then all would be up in arms / council informed and owners fined


Anybody fancy an arguemet or know how to clean this mess up???????




Mission accomplished


Edited by - Delbert on 27 Apr 2008 12:31:04

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Cold water is not cruel.


Depends how it's administered : *confused*


Forcing a cat against it's will under a cold tap is mistreatment and cruel Cagey, no two ways about it



Would you rather he knocked on your door, and asked for you to have his car resprayed, as your cat had caused damage to his car?

Yep! no problem at all i'd rather that than br cruel to my Cat *rolleyes*....i


If a cat got into my Caterham, I would be very upset, as SWMBO is allergic to cats, and this would spoil her enjoyment when we use the car.


Is a Damp cloth too heavy *rolleyes*


Have no problem with the RSPCA cat scarer as it's humane, Scott's actions in my eyes are not humane!




Saw it *eek* wanted it *tongue* needed Viagra 😬 got it! *thumbup* *smokin* here


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Is a Damp cloth too heavy


You really should learn when to walk away


Why in the name of Jehovah should I or anybody else have to clean thier own car before using it because somebody elses pet has trespased on thier property


Bet you would be up in arms if some young fellow me lad wandered home from the pub one evening and fancied a kip and lay down in the back of your car.

Then woke up , had a crap in your garden then casually wandered off


You then chance upon the parents who suggest that fresehening up the car from the smell and cleaning up the early morning defacation is not much of an inconvienianve really given that little Johnny has the right to express himself



Lucvkily the GP is about to start or a 10 page thesis


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Blimey - didn't mean to get you that wound up StEVEN. Its not like I tried to drown the thing. Quick splash under the tap seemed to work; I think a little discipline is needed sometimes.


I certainly wouldn't look to harm a cat; and wouldn't put it in a microwave. (imagine the mess *tongue* )


I like the look of those sonic things; maybe I'll purchase one of them.


No animals were harmed in the writing of this post.


Scott MB - 1600GT


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Delbert the assumption with Cagey's quote is that a cat would leave fur on his seats, and no big deal to most, Cats only toilet on soil and bury it...it's highly unusal for a Cat to defacate on a hard surface unless it's trapped or Frightened....


Animals are free spirits Delbert...we live amongst them *rolleyes*



You really should learn when to walk away


After you Delbert *smile*




Saw it *eek* wanted it *tongue* needed Viagra 😬 got it! *thumbup* *smokin* here


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Cold water is not cruel


But yours was in the deep freezer in the garage Cagey *nono* 😔 *tongue*


I love cats.






















Especially with fries and a cold beer 😬

(Only jesting StEVEN *wavey*)


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

The Bearded Clams

King Clam Of Clam Hill!

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Edited by - Wile7 on 27 Apr 2008 13:40:51

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that a cat would leave fur on his seats


It should not be there, it is trespass as it seems we give these animals human attributes


and cats the crap on lawns do not bury it they just push a few bits of mulch over the top


I know some cat owners that are exceedingly carefull with thier cats and if one of thier neioghbours complained that the cats had furred up the cars interior wouild volunteer to clen it .


But to just cassually and quiet flippantly say "clean up my cats mess" to a complainant is selfishness in the highest order and typical of those that assume that cats have rights to roam freely and access / defeczte where ever they feel.


Mission accomplished


Edited by - Delbert on 27 Apr 2008 14:02:25

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Wile 😬 😬LMAO


I love Delberts Train of thought...try telling a Cat not to trespass 😬 😬







Saw it *eek* wanted it *tongue* needed Viagra 😬 got it! *thumbup* *smokin* here



Edited by - StEVEN on 27 Apr 2008 14:47:22

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We had a similar problem with our mogoid sleeping on the mohair roof of the guys merc over the road from us ☹️


He had a garage, full of crap & kept the £100,000 car on his driveway *rolleyes*


Cats are classified as wild animals, you can't train a cat (or herd them) *tongue*


"Owners" (or rather, the people who feed and pay the vets bills, you don't really "own" a cat) can NOT be held responsible for the animals actions! They CAN offer to clean up the mess after them, but don't HAVE to! Up to the individual.


Prevention is better than cure, in this case, and many others. It's like crime prevention in chav infested Havant... The best thing you can do is make your property less inviting, or more difficult to get into than the one down the road! *mad*


*arrowright*Get a Mosaic Poster of YOUR car and help Nuke the Leuk here *arrowleft*


*arrowright*Pictures here *arrowleft*

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Feck me this is the shed


Look if you want to get serious just feck off upstairs, here we are on a Sunday afternoon after the first brill saturday of blatting and we get people moaning 'bout what a cat has done, then what other people would like to do the people who would like to do the cat.


Del - it's a fecking animal, you're a fecking intelligent human being if you can't understand that a human has evolved to develop a draingage system so that you cr@p in a cr@pper and the animal (who is beneath you) craps somewhere else, you have a chip on the shoulder complex.


The people who complain about people who want the cat to p!ss off - look after your own - this is the shed I want to sit on the sofa and take the piss out of 'monsters', 'mouses' and of course, 'the sheep shagging so called welshman' (who has been v. quiet).



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When it comes to uncontrolled animals in Urban areas I will take on all commers


Agree cats cannot be trained , but the arragance of a proportion of those that chosse to entertain the animals who assume That I should accept the by product of thier fancy is socilally unaccepatble and repugnant



Why is that example applicable to smokers but not to cat owners

You choose to have an animal then you should accept full reposibility for it including controlling where it defacates or if that is beyond you, clear up after it


You expect dog owners to do so


So it acceptable for cats to crap in public places but dog owners have to pick it up or be fined?????


and why is it the responsible owners I know have trained thier cats to crap in a crapper



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Depends how it's administered


Well, I am not going to stick a tube up it's 🙆🏻 to administer some discipline.

If cold water is cruel, best not let it out in the rain....


Another question, If I found a cat hunting the Koi in my pond, as it is its nature to do so, can I hunt the cat, as that is my nature?


The damp cloth is not a problem, nut how can I guarantee I have removed all the hair?


One question...

Do you ever wash your cat?

If so, how do you manage it without it being done against it's will?

Do you hgave to give the cat tablets? How do you manage it without it being done against it's will?

Do you put your cat in a transporter to take to the vet? How do you manage it without it being done against it's will?


I think you see a trend here. I would also go as far to say that exhibiting a prize winning pedigree cat is probably against it's will too. What is the real difference?


A splash of cold water, is a splash of cold water...



Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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Oh Cagey *rolleyes*...sigh!!!! 😔


Well, I am not going to stick a tube up it's smiley bottom to administer some discipline.

That would be mistreatment and abuse 😬

Another question, If I found a cat hunting the Koi in my pond, as it is its nature to do so, can I hunt the cat, as that is my nature?

...you'll never catch it! 😬 they're clever buggers *thumbup*


The damp cloth is not a problem, nut how can I guarantee I have removed all the hair?


2 mins with a hoover works quite well 😬


Do you ever wash your cat?


Your kidding right *confused*..Perhaps the root of your naievity


YOU NEVER EVER WASH A CAT,...you'll kill it!! it would be so frightened it'll induce a heart attack *rolleyes*...if they liked water they would sit out in the rain why do you think they run and hide


A splash of cold water, is a splash of cold water...

Yes i noticed Scott eased off on his promise *smile*




Saw it *eek* wanted it *tongue* needed Viagra 😬 got it! *thumbup* *smokin* here




Edited by - StEVEN on 27 Apr 2008 20:09:14

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Who said anything about catching it? *tongue*


Shotgun pellets are pretty stupid, but they will outrun a cat *eek* *eek* *eek*

Only kidding! Seriously, I would never dream of it.


I actually like cats, but I had to wash mine once, after he had been knocked down by a car, and was left in a pretty sorry state. I just don't like it when they cover my car in hairs. Just think of thre damage they could do to the hood.


I see you skirted the questions about showing your cats *wink* and the associated stress that induces.


Another point....

Some people would say chavs and hoodies are self sufficient, but not intelligent, so when one of them messes up your property, you will just go around behind them with a damp cloth and vacuum cleaner, and not moan? It'll only take a couple of minutes...


Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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Cats are self sufficient dogs are not


What utter rot


So the pack wolves of the Tundra have a nice little old lady opening the pedigree Chum do they


2 mins with a hoover works quite well


WTF should somebody have too

You are selfish to the extreme if you imagine that expecting others to willing clear up after your animals activity is any where close to a level of acceptability in an urban / residential enviroment


I was going to leave this but I came home to another pile of excrement sprerad over the front where the Oh so clever cat had tried to disguise his Poo as Bark from the flower bed next to my front door


Forget the offensive smell its on the effin door mat



So its my fault I would imagine in your eyes because I expect to enter my house via the front door and that it is selfish of me to expect the entrance to be excrement free


or is it my fault for having a flower bed next to my house ??


Now tell me is it also my fault for planting bulbs just so the cat can spray those as well as its dirt all over the porch



Or is it my fault that another one uses the front hedge as its toilet


I must be wired wrong if this is coinsidered in anyway to be tollerable and that I should defer to selfish self centrered people like yourself who are obviously my betters because you see another world where crapping on others areas is an expression of freedom similar to the missguided way children were raised in the 60 and allowed to exprees them selves instead of comforming to a socially acceptable way of sharing an enviroment






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