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Help - rotational squeak from the rear


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Can anyone giver some helpful advice please? Over the last 1000 miles I have developed a rotational squeak from the rear *eek* of my 7 which speeds up with the car and disappears on braking. Less than 5000 miles on the clock. No play in hubs that I can feel but must be from one hub or the other. Hubs seem to turn without any noise by hand. Any suggestions?



Superlight SV Duratec R400

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I've had this and was exactly as you describe and goes with application of the brakes. It turned out to be a sticking handbrake caliper which was keeping the pad pressed slightly against the disc. When I got back from a blat I touched the brake discs, three were barely warm, the one I thought was sticking seared the tip of my finger 😳 Might be worth checking your pads/calipers 🤔


VX HPC - Loud and proud here

Watch out, whatever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly

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Please check this before you use the car again. I had this exact problem last year and on inspection the rear wheel had actually come loose *eek* (never trust a tyre garage with your nuts *biggrin*) - and because there was no retaining screw holding the disc to the hub the disc was rubbing on the pad and squeaking.


If I had not checked it I could have lost a roadwheel *mad*



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Had a look at side I thought was troublesome and the handbrake caliper did not seem to be sticking. However When I got back from a blat today with worsening squeak, I touched the brake discs, three were barely warm, the rear one I thought was sticking was very hot so must be the problem. Am I going to need to take caliper off to check pads are not sticking or is there an easier way?



Superlight SV Duratec R400

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I put a spacer washer on the handbrake caliper to keep the pads further away from the disc in case it was that. It only gets used at MOT time so no issue. I also pulled the main pads one at a time out and pushed the piston in a little. I then put a sheet of 1/4" ply (caliper shaped) into the pads position and pumped the brake pedal. This had the effect of making the piston come out a little further than normal. Did this a couple of times each side to make sure they were travelling freely and no problems since *thumbup*


VX HPC - Loud and proud here

Watch out, whatever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly

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I have the exact same thing, ok when i start off, once the brakes get warm the squeaking starts!! *mad* but then dissapears under braking! Have had the calipers and discs off twice checking everyhting from bearings to whether the disc was warped!

After speaking to many people i have established that it's because the pad is dragging on the disc and have been told to either shamfer the pads or replace them to stop it.

Have sort of put up with it now for the last 500 miles or so but am now thinking about changing the pads.


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Now I have had loads of practice taking pads in and out of caliper *rolleyes* Chamfering 1/8" front and back edges of pads really has cured it now *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* Thanks everone for advice! Not a squeak of a squeak



Superlight SV Duratec R400


Edited by - dickbowyer on 5 May 2008 14:03:05

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🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 It's back. Anyone have any other ideas 🤔



Superlight SV Duratec R400

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I had a problem with the disc contacting the caliper mount, due to the caliper mount brackets being inaccurately positioned on the DeDion ear. here It caused a squeak/rubbing noise once the brakes were warm.(hot). Couldn't repeat the noise once I'd stopped which was a problem.

To cure it I had to remove a very small amount of metal from the carrier.

I tried new discs as the ones I had were not truly concentric, (insert long story here) but the new ones were worse.

You can see the witness marks here. this here shows the lack of clearance. There was slightly more clearance at the other side of the carrier as shown by the absence of witness marks.

There is a horror story around this when I cocked up and didn't tighten the wheel properly after my initial concentric-ising of the disc. here


Edited by - susser on 13 May 2008 11:24:52

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🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻

Checked good clearance between disc and caliper mount. Whilst the disc does not seem to get too hot, the incessant squeak is getting me down. *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad*


Fixes tried to date:


Slackening hand brake cable

Cleaning & Copperslipping brake pad slides

Chamfering front and back edges of pads

Check for no contact between disc and caliper mount


Chamfering seemed to give the longest cure. Seems to be worse when hot.

I suppose a sticking piston is a possibility?

Should I replace pads?


All further suggestions gratefully received.




Superlight SV Duratec R400

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