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calling all areo users,

Can you tell me which is the best set up of aeroscreens in looking at the Rif and caterham ones.

The cc one come with mirrors but the RiF (Carbon bits) doesnt but the out lay is cheeper


any comments will be helpfull ie ease of fitting etc etc

help plz





In a purple haze

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I don't have an aeroscreen (yet *cool*), but from what I understand, the RiF model is preferred by some because it has an upward "flip" at the top which is said to be more effective at directing air over the occupants' heads. Or at least that is the primary functional reason as I understand it.


- Sean


edit -- added: "...as I understand it" to last sentence


Edited by - BBL on 1 Apr 2008 21:23:11

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While they dont look half as good as a carbon Aeroscreen if you like sitting low in the car the Caterham 'Vauxhall' aeroscreen gives you much more lower forward vision, as you can see through the clear perspex Aero. its what I have, it was on the car when I got it, the other 2 blades that are local to me both have Carbon aero's which look fantastic, but when i've driven both of them i've noticed how much of the lower front area they block out, maybe it seems worse to me as I've got used to being able to see through my Aero *confused*

Carbon looks so dam good though!!


'Pinky Pics' here

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back now 😬

Thanks for everyones support *thumbup* on the subject of aeros *wink*

Think everything has been said to answer the various questions. Carbon mirrors are just starting to trickle through and back orders hopefully will be fulfilled shortly. I keep kicking Racetech to assemble them.


RiF Driving one of the first Duratec 7, and building CA07BON for Henrietta 😬 😬 😬.for pictures of 7 and carbon andCA07BON

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