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Sticky Keys


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I managed to knock a glass of Soda water and Lime over the keyboard of my 2 week old laptop!

I cleaned it off as best as I could and everything is working, but its been a couple of days since it happened and there is 4 or 5 keys that stick down a little when pressed, they take a fraction of a second longer to return which is very annoying esp as one of them is the Enter key!!!

So any ideas of what I can do to free them up? i guess its the sugar from the drink makin them stick. I had thought about spraying some clean water lightly in the affected area and then blowing it off with an airline?

I had also thought about useing a sovent aerosol spray, but worried this might melt the plastic keys!!



Edited by - blade_runner on 20 Mar 2008 11:39:58

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I believe you can wash modern keyboards with hot soapy water and just leave them hung out to dry for a few days... might even be worth sticking it in a dish washer on a rinse cycle?

(I accept no responsibility for breaking it but our hardware boffin at work said you can do it)

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Most keyboard caps prise off with very little effort - I'd simply remove the key cap and rinse it in soapy water, dry it and reassemble. Whilst the cap is off, use a cotton bud to clean out any sticky residue, etc., from the keyboard base.


You mention that it's only a few keys which are sticking but even so, I'd be tempted to do them one at a time so that I don't forget where each goes..... 😬



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A new keyboard will not cost very much if it really annoys you (I don't think they would notice if you changed it) - circa £50.


Alternatively try washing it but do not do it with water any hotter than tepid, and do not try and dry it on a radiator or other heat source. I got impatient trying to clean beer off my keyboard and used a hairdryer to speed up the process - the keys warped quite significantly!!! I'll never know if it would have worked after the cleaning! (I woudl strongy recommend against putting it in the dishwasher, and I would avoid soaking it if you can.)


Changing keyboards is simple, and you could always keep the original to swap back if anything did go wrong. Good luck!

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Last year I noticed my lap top keys had loads of dust between them so as i was already in the process of vacuuming the conservatory roof of flies i decided to do the lap top, within seconds i had hoovered up 2 rows of keys *eek* and all the little bits were whizzing around the inside of the dyson with all the dead flies and other crap i had hoovered up *cry*, took me bleedin Hours to clean em up and reassemble in the right places.Needless to say i got some right stick off her indoors. *mad*


Take yours to a computer repair shop, it will only cost bout a tenner to have them clean it with the correct solution, probably not a Dyson super cyclone!!! *nono*



Break it, then read the instructions

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When I did computer support for Schools I washed many a keyboard in tepid pure water NO solvents or detergents . Leave to soak for half an hour and then flush under tap and put in bottom of hotpress overnight


It even gets dried in Black Nectar Off 😬



N.I. L7C AR 🙆🏻

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