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what to do with old engine?


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Having just replaced my 2002 VHPD K-series with a Duratec (more of that later.....) I am wondering what to do with all of the resultant spare parts.


The engine was changed because it had suffered first a head gasket followed by piston ring failure (probably related) in 19k miles of road driving and is probably therefore not to be considered a quality unit.


I have now a pile of things such as exhaust system, apollo tank which I have no use for as well as the engine.


I was planning to strip down the engine and sell on the various parts so that the buyer could inspect them before relying upon them as I would not be that comfortable selling on the engine complete.


What does everyone think?


Also, if I do strip it down what is the best way of cleaning up the various parts (what solvents/abrasives should I avoid with which parts etc)?


Or is the whole lot just scrap?

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RAW had a similar experience to you and also plans to fit a Duratec. With this in mind he has sold me a load of good quality second hand parts which has allowed me to complete the upgrade my 1400Kss to an 1800Kss. Even though I had the engine, my budget couldn't stretch to things like new clutches etc. Andrews parts were a lot cheaper than new and still perfectly servicable.


I'm sure people in the same position as me will be more than happy to help you recycle the bits!



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ok, I guess I'll strip everytnihg down to components and the put it on the for sale section.


the exhaust is not 4-2-1, sorry and it's a wet sump.


Edited by - Miff on 7 Mar 2008 23:53:09

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I would offer the thing in big chunks. I'd say separate all the ancillaries (exhaust, induction, TBs) and sell them separately.

Split the engine - short engine, with history, sold as a doer upper bottom end, say for someone wanting a cheap bottom end to put a 1.4/1.6 SS head on. It's an easy recon job if you know what you are doing, check liner heights, replace the rings, oil pump and bearing shells, oil seals, maybe a hone, job done. You're doing this to any SH K series.

Head is tricky. Whether you sell it as one piece wanting a check over (not expensive, £50 to strip down and rebuild, £30 to crack/porosity test, £30 to skim) or pull the cams to sell separately is up to you. I would keep the head as a piece, like that it has inherent value as the solid lifters (I assume) stay with the cams etc. You have a desirable item here, OK it wants a recon, but so what? If you are smart at a specialist this is no big deal and a damn sight cheaper than a refresh chez Minister or (sucks teeth) Caterham Cars.

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Miff - I'd be interested in the complete engine, ie the bottom end, head cams etc assuming it's all still together (or all the bits there?). Not bothered about items like the exhaust and apollo. Give me an idea of how much you wany for it?




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