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Brake connection for MOT?

Graeme Smith

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Had my Seven MOTed after a rebuild last week and it was failed on the braking system. As far as I understood them, there’s meant to be a female/female connector between the fluid reservoir and rest of the brake pipe system. Don’t know if the car’s never had this or whether it was changed in the rebuild. Anyway, they charged me a small fortune to fit this (and rebleed the brakes, etc). Can’t find anything in the online manual – anyone shed any light on this?
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*confused*IIRC on my car the reservoir is mounted and feeds directly onto/into the master cylinder so no idea where you would put a F to F connector. Never heard anything like this before. Which circuit have they installed it on? Front or Rear. Why would yit be required?



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear

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Sorry, sightly misleading - it's between the master cylinder and the rest of the braking system. They've replaced a couple of inches of brake pipe where it leaves the rearward of the master cylinder, then put a female/female connector which links up to the original brake pipe (going to the rear I take it). It's a live axle, so drums on the back...
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Some of the early cars had a brake light switch that worked on the pressure in the system but these were a tad unreliable so many have retro fitted a switch operated by the brake pedal as fitted to later cars. Is this what they have replaced *confused*


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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I, for one, will be waiting with baited breath.

'cos it sounds to me like you've been stitched up.

There isn't a good reason (AFAIK) for adding another potential weak link to the chain of brake operation.



Edited by - susser on 6 Mar 2008 12:22:35

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OK so why did they only make the change in one circuit? Surely the rules would be the same ofr both. I think you're going to have to back to them and ask some searching questions. Like can they point you to the relevant rule(s) in the MOT handbook? Why was the mod. not done to both circuits?



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear

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Question what was there before did the pipe just run into the master cylinder or was there a small piece of pipe there already but with different connectors The fitting on the end of the original pipe looks old so i suspect that what you have is a replacement pipe with two male ends into a female female connector to another pipe with a male end.


What may have been there before was a male to female to male pipe

That will NOT pass thus the requirement for the female female connector


Clue is WHAT was there originally.



N.I. L7C AR 🙆🏻

Membership No.3927.


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Unfortunately, looks like a stich-up

My live axle car hasn't got, nor has it been said it needs this extra connector. Might be worth another visit to the MOT place.

I can send a picture of my master cylinder if required.

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Good point from JJ as to what was there before though I don't understand why jj, your presumed setup would be a failure point. Can you enlighten us?



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear

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integrity of the male to female pipe joint.

Likehood of failure unable to be adequately tightened. to prevent leakage


It's all supposition as you cant remember what it looked like before the MOT

But you cant have a pipe to pipe joint without a bulkhead connector for example where the front flexibles pass through the bodywork to the copper pipes.


In other words if joining two pipes they need to Butt into a female female joint.

I suspect that originally there was a T in there with a Pressure switch and a small pipe to the T and the existing pipe out of the T Someone took SW out of cct and removed T and instead of replacing the first whole section of pipe fitted a bridging pipe with a female end.

Hard to explain in words but you'll get my drift.





N.I. L7C AR 🙆🏻

Membership No.3927.



Edited by - Johnty Lyons on 7 Mar 2008 18:25:52

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