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Wind deflectors


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Hi there,


I thinking about getting a set of wind deflectors. I enjoy driving the car without the sidescreens in place but the buffeting with a full screen in place means that I don't do it often. I'm not interested in removing the screen and fitting an aeroscreen before anyone asks.


Do the wind deflectors significantly reduce the buffeting and do they just slot into the existing side screen fixing points on the windscreen?


Thanks and all the best.




1994 1400SS, 6 speed, clams


Edited by - lowlander on 12 Jan 2008 10:56:48

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I never use the sidescreens but cannot bear the buffetting with a bare screen, so I always use the deflectors.

They make it possible for me to do the number of blats I get through without being separated from my environment by a big sheet of plastic.



2008: 0

2007: 70

2006: 89

2005: 91

2004: 64

2003: 66

2002: 66

2001: 79

2000: 32 (divorce!)

1999: NRA

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I used to have them but thought they were virtually useless. Best thing is to find someone who has them and try them out. I fould the best solution in te end was to get a pair of Brooklands aeroscreens. They give no buffetting but are not too bad for wind protection and only take 15 minutes to fit, so you can change them if the weather looks bad. Not that you will - everyone I know who has them changes the screens only when the seasons change!
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The website in CageyH's link is Tony Lloyd who used to post as TonyL on here but doesn't have a current membership. I saw his car at Curborough with the sidescreens on and he said they work a lot better than the standard CC ones. Certainly worth dropping him a line.







The BEC has gone - now onto an R400!!

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I think it must depend how tall you are?


I am short and therefor sit well forward in the car and I find that the CC wind deflectors are fantastic. In terms of buffeting I find them as good as using sidescreens.


I guess that seeing as opinion on them is so polarised there must be a reason and perhaps height is it?


Slipperman is right, try them first if you can.


Be lucky!!


Martin M7 KTJ

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What a nice car in Tony's web-site 😬 aCtually it's my old 40th. When I sold it to Tony it had std sidescreens fitted. I would say that they improve matters inside the cockpit by about 10mph (i.e. wind at 80 with them fitted feels like it did at 70) When I fitted the std screens I found that they would flap around int he wind in both directions so I made some compression springs to kee themin tension witht he body, likewise I reoplaced the original rubber feet with larger ones then no longer fell off at the first sign of sunshine. The fitment of these larger fet allowed the screens to be pushed out further thus improving life inside a little. I know that Tony removed them (may still have them with all the bits) and fitted his on version which should work better if you can live witht he looks? Only concern with Tony's version is that he kept the tops heavily radiused which is the very area where you need more protection from the wind? If you can't get hold of Tony I have his latest email address.
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I bought a pair of s/h Caterham wind deflectors for my 7. They were noticably better than running without doors.


I drove the car with the deflectors fitted (at about 50 mph) and pushed it 'open/forward. The buffetting reduced until I reached a point where moving them made no more difference.


I noted the gap at the bottom (around 30mm), placed the bottom of the deflector in a pan of boiling water and bent the radius a bit more. I aso fitted longer rubber stops (screw on type) to the bottom.


This all sounds a bit more complicated than it actually was, but I am really pleased with the results for a total outlay of £25 as it makes a significant difference.


I have to admit the doors make me feel a lot more secure if I'm travelling any distance. I have also tried Jill Judd 1/2 doors and deflectors which are o.k, but still not as good as doors alone.


If your ever near Hythe in kent, your more than welcome to try my deflectors and 1/2 doors.


Hope this helps,



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As an aside, running with a 1/2 hood and no doors greatly reduces the bufetting as it stops the airflow barrelling over the top of the windscreen.

I did a lot of the USA trip with this arrangement and was very comfortable *thumbup*


Ian - MI 5EVN - Slightly Vider SVelte model 😬 now repainted to match the Autocom headsets 😳

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I would echo Weeman and Brucey's above comments.


At 6' I found they made little difference above 40mph, but SWMBO who is 5'5" and sits much lower thinks they are brilliant.


However, like Brucey, found if they are pushed out a bit (I fitted some foam - bodge I know!) and it was better to around 55mph then it all gets a bit much.


Great either way for added pose value around town *cool* and you can see the tarmac whzz past 😬


Blue Roadsport with silver stripe. . . . .it does exactly what it says on the tin! *biggrin*

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*arrowup*Chaz23 - Next time we meet up I'll bring them with me and you can try them. SWMBO thinks they are great and if your'e a tad shorter than me then that's fine. Forget how your passengers feel; if it's too windy for them it's just part of the 'experience' 😬


Blue Roadsport with silver stripe. . . . .it does exactly what it says on the tin! *biggrin*



Edited by - gin-fizz-whizz on 15 Jan 2008 07:49:46

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