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Caterham up to £8,000

Matthew Willoughby

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I am looking for a Caterham for road use and the occassional track day.


The car must have a painted body, cycle wings, an FIA bar (or cage), weather equipment and be in sound mechanical condition with tidy bodywork.


I expect a 1.6 Vauxhall engined car would fit the bill perfectly but am open to other suggestions.


I would be happy with an ex-racer so long as it is in good condition.


Have you got what I'm looking for?


Cash waiting for the right car.


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Thanks for the helpful comment *mad*


There are cars out there for this sort of money see here. Unfortunately I missed out on that one. I would have thought that the vast majority of Vauxhall ex-academy cars would be down to this sort of value now. Anyway, what's wrong with being a bit fussy and waiting for the car that is right for me instead of rushing in and getting something that doesn't quite fit the bill?


BTW if anyone does have an R500 for this money I would be interested *tongue*


Edited by - Matthew Willoughby on 6 Jan 2008 10:25:57

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I'm confused ... it happens!


The thread was started by 'Soon to be Sevener', and once a car recommendation was made it was replied to by Matthew as if he was the thread originator... has someone deleted some posts in between messages?

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Scooter - I think you will find STBS is Matthew's original profile from when he had his first Caterham.


Matthew - good to see you have got the funds sorted to be coming back into Caterham ownersip again. I reckon there are a few cars out there at this price and spec especially as you have opened up the field to be ex-race cars where the spec will be high but not quite as tidy as some. If i come across anything, I will let you know...


Happy New Year to both you and Mel *biggrin* too




Nick & Trish


The BEC has gone - now onto an R400!!

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Anyway, what's wrong with being a bit fussy and waiting for the car that is right for me instead of rushing in and getting something that doesn't quite fit the bill?

Nothing at all. I've always been fussy and always found the right car. Good luck in your search *thumbup*



LADS website *thumbup*


WANTED - tonneau (for 06 academy) and hood bag

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Scooter - Nick is right, I used the name "Soon to be sevener" when looking for my first 7 in 2003 so thought I would resurrect it for my new search. Unfotunately, when responding I forgot and used my normal name. Whoops *redface*


Nick - Thanks for the message and happy new year to you and the family. The car you've linked to is also on eBay and I can't get down to see it before the auction closes. I'm not in a great rush so I'll see what turns up.


Neil - Thanks for the link. If I'd been 2 or 3 months earlier there were a couple of nice Grads cars for sale but they've now gone. Part of the reason for getting a car is so that could I join you at Curborough test days etc without relying on dad's car.


Thanks for the comment Gary. You certainly landed on your feet with your latest car.


Doclip, I'm just off to check my email......


Edited by - Matthew Willoughby on 6 Jan 2008 17:23:21

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Matthew O/T but were you the guy who owned the red 1400 6 speed from Herts who worked for one of the Big 4 and went off to the US?


Secondly, had you thought about buying an ex graduate car or similar - you'll get more bang for your buck that way...


edited to add that I see you have been considering this - doh!


Edited by - Mark Piper on 7 Jan 2008 20:31:30

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