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Oil Pressure/Temp gauge or Oil/Water Temp gauge


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I was thinking recently about fitting some better gauges (in particular oil pressure) and was looking at the Spa dual gauges.


From searches on here, most people have fitted the dual oil pressure/temp gauge. Whilst I can see the logic of having oil all in one place, doesn't a oil/water temp gauge make more sense? When running it is temperatures of both that are the most important to see at a glance surely?




My SuperGraduates 2006 diary

My SuperGraduates 2005 diary, My Caterham Academy 2004 build and race diary

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I fitted the oil/water temp gauge first, then oil pressure/voltage later. Very pleased with them, but.... I went for the blue backlight, to match the Stack tacho. This may have been a mistake, at night the figures were a bit fuzzy, I've had to rotate the dials in the dash to get a clearer display. Others, with the green backlight don't seem to have had this problem. It's to do with the viewing angle when mounted in a Caterham dash.
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Sadly the blue thing might be a sign of age!! I read somewhere that blue is the first colour most people begin to struggle with particularly in poor light conditions. I have my eyes checked regularly for work and (touch wood!) I have perfect vision despite nearing the big 40, but I am aware that I struggle with blue text on a screen for example and occasionally see things outside at night that are a bit blue and fuzzy!


Best place to get SPA gauges?



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I think you might be right about the blue thing. I drove the 7 wearing glasses for the first time today, and the display did seem better, this was in bright sunshine though.

I ordered both mine direct from SPA, good service *thumbup*

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