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I want a puppy ...........


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Strongy yer beat me to it *thumbup*


I thought this was going to be an interesting thread in the sort of Max power way 😬, but no it really is about a young dog of the canine kind.


Ah well we had a new 'puppy' 18 months ago, a big black lab dog whos party trick is to roll over in front of anyone to have his tummy tickled, so thats 30kg of guard dog gone west! He's attending training classes with Mick 'I say feck alot' Martin of dog borstal, who doesn't swear at all with normal paying punters with no cameras rolling!!






Every dirty job dirty dick does!!!

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I'm actually researching the costs of a local dog walking / overnight service in Newark.


Price that out Vs Cost of the cleaner and Ironing lady and if close its Doggy time for Delbert!!!!!!

*eek* *cry* *eek* *cry* *eek* *cry*


Delbert dear chap, does that mean the GRs will now have to pay for the privilege of your company 🤔 *tongue* Or do I have to don me pinny and scrub your floors *tongue*


Ackshully, I was going to contact you to see if you're ahem "working" from home on Wednesday next week ...


Love and kisses



FH *cool*

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Now I really am jealous and Benson has gone back home with his puppy walker


I think the other one is coming in next Thursday and I hope they dont try taking either of these around the site - last year they tried taking a doggie through a powered revolving door which spooked out the pooch and the door tried to squash her - that'll take a lot of training to undo


Supercheese R250


Caterham pictures here 😬

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I'm actually researching the costs of a local dog walking / overnight service in Newark.


Price that out Vs Cost of the cleaner and Ironing lady and if close its Doggy time for Delbert!!!!!!


Uh? *confused*


Let me get this straight.


You pay a fortune for a mutt (when cats are generally free...)

You then pay someone *else* to take it off your hands?


Why don't you just sponsor one of the bl**dy things... *wavey* *wink*


          🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻

Alcester Racing

7s Equipe™

🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻



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Let me get this straight.


You pay a fortune for a mutt (when cats are generally free...)

You then pay someone *else* to take it off your hands?


tis when I go to work , lunchtime pee pees, and the overnights when I am away


I spit on your Emeralds give me SUs

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The GD told us they're upping their 'production' over the next few years. Some of the pups don't make the grade (but still excellently trained) and are given to people that have put themselves on a list to have one - maybe you could consider that PD !?


I must admit that apart from having every flower border flattened, no pairs of matching socks or tea towels left unchewed and some yellow stains on the landing carpet that even Vanish can't shift, life has been significantly enhanced since having Monty 🥰 *thumbup*


I was thinking of offering to take another dog out with me, when I take pups, so that someone could reciprocate when it's the Sprint season/holidays etc.


You may be able to find someone without there being a cost Delb!! I know my Dad would do it for someone, cos he misses my sister's dog terribly and I used to walk the neighbours' dog's when I was a teenager ... I'm sure there're lots of options ...









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Hi WC *wavey* We had the same. I was very against having a dog but eventually caved in under constant nagging! Ralf the miniature dachsund was 3 on Monday and as you say, apart from having to rip up most of the downstairs carpets, chewed kitchen chairs and missing underwear/socks(?), would not be without him!!!!! 🥰 🥰 🥰 We are lucky as my mum will pop in and stay over any time for him. Working from home helps too.




If it has tyres or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it 😬

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most of the other things on the list involve laydeez


Is that the cleaning and ironing? like Delb's list ... *rolleyes* *tongue*


I think I'm going to spend most of this morning apologising ... a chap's coming to service the Aga and I can't see Monty resisting the urge to eat his ear or hide his tools *eek*

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Ralf the miniature dachsund was 3 on Monday


Oh it would be toooooooooo easy


to say type the


XXXXXXXX the minature shedder was XXXX on Monday, but I didn't know XXXXXXX had german relations



BTW XXXXXXX belated Hippy Barfdaze *thumbup*


I spit on your Emeralds give me SUs

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