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K series head gasket...


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My 1.6 SL is less than a year old, car run in with extreme caution to 900 miles, oil change at 500. Now done 1500. The car was garaged but turned over throughout the winter. Just back on the road and the head gasket has gone... luckily no damage has been done it appears, has anyone else experienced this... what could have caused this? So much for having a blat over the weekend.





Y57 CDS "Mutley"





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If your head gasket has gone you need to ensure the head is still flat.


The latest Rover head gaskets are uprated somewhat and should prove more reliable, but I'd check that there's no other cause for this failure first.


Changing the head gasket will take you about an hour. It's quite easy. You might take advantage of having the head off to check other things too, like the state of your cam and alternator belts. Probably easier just to replace them.

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Head gaskets go in two ways. Compression failure. Oil/coolant separation failure.


Bust radiator fan switch can cause big problems, as can choice of coolant and airlocks.


"Turned over"? Do you mean cranked? Do you mean started and warmed up at idle? This will put a lot of acid condensate into the oil, and is about the worst thing you can do to an engine.

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We had this discussion last year, since when, I NEVER let my engine idle to warm up, and if it gets started over the winter, it gets driven (for at least 30 miutes) rather than just left burbling away in the garage...........
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v7 you said last week it takes two hours

to remove two rear shocks

at that pace. you are not a fast worker teeth.gif=thumbsup.gif=bum.gif


on 1 May 2002 15:48:56


Edited by - FRED on 1 May 2002 16:12:52

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thanks all for replies... as you can imagine it's been a worrying day... thankfully car is at a dealer as I'm still under warranty, Peter i ran the car not at idle (didn't want flat spots) but having said that not under load... anyway dealer is checking all well, when I spoke to them they seemed to feel nothing was wrong (I only noticed it after a small coolant loss and the ever tempermental temp guage going t*ts up) on the way to the dealer for some other warranty items. Do you really think I should get them to change belts after just 1500 miles?
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Typical... no car at the weekend despite wonderful weather.... BUT car back on the road with new gasket, temp. sensor and thermostat on Monday so I got 200 miles on the west of scotland's finest roads. My Local dealer sent the head off for inspection and say nothing was wrong with it so fingers crossed, Lawrence H, I know you'll be reading this, good to see you at Knockhill on Friday, I spoke to Fairways and they in turn to Caterham, you were right about coolant, they used a 50/50 mix and say this is OK... I'm going to change to 100% but have no proof this is a standard spec from Caterham, anyone have this in writing from Caterham? In respect to warranty, do the esteemed blatters think I have a valid claim to get an engine warranty extension? I should add that to date everything, including labour was carried out under warranty, but I only have about 3 weeks left before it expires.


thanks Richard

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The business about whether you go with a Caterham recommendation or something that is RIGHT vexes me somewhat. A long time ago the Se7ens list determined that anything other than the 100% 4 year Rover coolant (which contains something entirely different to the 2 year 50/50 mix stuff) could lead to localised pitting of the head. There are areas of the head which are dead spots for coolant flow. If the coolant contains water then corrosion (pitting) can occur at those locations, and many people at the time noticed such an effect. I don't recall whether this led to any head gasket failures, but obviously it is not a good thing.


Anyway, the 4 year stuff tends to eliminate this problem (not a single pit on mine after 14,000 miles) and most people have now switched over to it. It has the lovely advantage of not needing changing for 4 years if you don't happen to have the head off every 5 minutes like some people I could mention. wink.gif


Anyway, if Caterham do in fact only warranty the engine if is has the 2 year 50/50 mix stuff in it, then what do you do? Personally I'd rather protect the engine first, and worry about Caterham's reaction later IFF necessary.

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V7 thanks... I'm going to change to the 100% 4 year as soon as possible, I wasn't implying that Catreham wouldn't warrant this as opposed to 50/50 (they actually spec 66/33) but I am looking into feedback as to whether anyone else has requested a warranty extension to the block / head as a result of a failure of a similar sort... anyway in the meantime I shall write to them today and see their response.




Y57 CDS "Mutley"





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