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Sugestions for fitting a hardtop on a Caterham


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Current Morgan hoods clip onto the sides of the screen frame and are then locked down at the back with clips similar to the ones on the rear of our bonnets. Would something similar help you? not sure how easy it would be to get to the inside rear through the rollcage?








see here - UPDATED again

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Nice one. I nearly bought it, Wile 7 pointed it out.


It would be good if you could make a mould from it, I reckon there may be a market.


That's the top Caterham made for the Zolder endurance race.....I think it looks great!


It had all the original race stickers on when you bought it, yes? And the race number?


As shown here




I bet you can literally SEE the history oozing out of it..... *tongue*


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..ooooh hooo hooo!!...

😬 😬Abbey Road Time-Machine *eek* *eek*



Edited by - Unclefester on 17 Sep 2007 22:20:49

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Perhaps if RiF makes a carbon copy before he does he could gauge what demand there is as I would certainly buy one so it would probably pay him to make it as a regular product.


It would probalby have to have variations though depending upon whether you had a full rollcage, FIA bar, etc........

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Same applies in GRP.


Roof cutouts, if not full gullwing doors, would be relatively cheap to prototype, and the normal sidescreen doors could still be used.


It'd be like the "easy-in" tops from Softbits, or the "Zippy" half hood from..... erm ......"Festerco" (no relation!) *tongue*


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..ooooh hooo hooo!!...

😬 😬Abbey Road Time-Machine *eek* *eek*


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Great looking hardtop, and an interesting project for sure, but would anyone actually use if for long. Why do you think that there aren't many [hardly any, in fact] hardtops around, exactly, because Seven motoring is all about fresh air and the more the better, witness the number of aeroscreens around. You all know how awfull it is to drive the car with the hood up, why should it be better with a hardtop? Oh all right, it could be made more waterproof, and the top could be lined out with an acoustic material to stop drumming, and some permanent ventilation could be built in...........................oh hell, I'm talking myself into getting as interested as everyone else


Paul J.

Loud pipes save lives, but quiet ones save your hearing.

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On the trip to the Le Mans 24 hours this year it rained all the way there and all the way back and a lot of the time there as well and I had wished I had had a roof.


Whilst a hard top just like normal wet weather gear will get limited use they would be practical for trips.


If I had a hard top I certainly would have taken it to France and it would have been so useful there and back !!!

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Didn't have a normal roof only a Soft Bits For Sevens half hood but at 70 mph in torrential rain on a dual carriageway I may as well have had no roof at all as the spray came in all directions.


I am sure that a normal roof would of course have been much better.





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The hard top is a very interesting bit of history and there have been others too.

Don't Millwoods have a model?

I seriously doubt if there would be sufficient demand for a hard top - once it's on you would have to use it for the entire trip - and therein lies the disadvantage.


Our original discussion here, when Wile pointed out the auction.

And one here too (again that Wile fellow)

And of the version to which Millwood had access here

And Lardy said he wanted one here.

And design specific ideas here


In general the demand is minimal - bit like the 21 😳 - everyone says something like "Oh that's interesting", talks a lot about it and their money stays in their pocket! *wink*


GJT Crossflow

524 returning from Arch - corrected


Edited by - Golf Juliet Tango on 23 Sep 2007 13:30:18

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