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paint foolishness

Vogon SuperTrooper

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Im no piccaso but I would go for a rubbing compound and then polish like hell. T cut is a reasonable rubbing compound but you may wish to go for a professional product. What you are trying to do is bring back the shine. I hope the red you mention is not undercoat cos if it is your in for a respray.
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A well known compound available from almost every car bits shop. Used for restoring paint surfaces from the ravages of the weather etc. Will bring back the shine but only if there is gloss paint there. i've used it loads of times with excellent results.
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Charles WRX,

I have found that 'T-Cut' can be too abrasive. If you're not careful you can get back to the primer! I suggest you try a small area that doesn't show too much with 'Brasso'. It is the same product that used to be called 'Duraglit'.It comes in a blue & silver can with the 'polish' soaked into a soft wadding.Application is easy & being fine doesn't have as harsh an effect. I have used it for the inevitable fine marks and once the 'Mer' is re-applied it's like new.You could also use a colour-match polish after the initial treatment.

Bet you don't make this mistake again! Good luck.

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For the future Charles, the foam stuff you get at all computer companies which is used to clean the outside of the computer screen's box is excellent for getting tar off with no adverse effects. I say this but also state that I always wash the car after using it in case long term exposure fades the paint.


By the way, this is not screen cleaner. It's the other stuff that usually accompanies it that noo-one ever uses. Other trade names include "Nobo" which I childishly think is funny, and is used as a dry wipe marker board cleaner..... smile.gif

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The Autoglym tar remover is very good, as are all of their products - did someone mention cleaning wheels. The Autoglym wheel cleaner is unbeatable). The same person mentioned WD-40. I'd like to pass on some knowledge which was passed on to me re: WD-40. If you need to get stickers off of your car, simply spray a load of WD-40 over and around the sticker. Leave to soak, the peel off slowly. If any glue remains, spray a load of WD-40 over it and leave to soak. then, using paper towels or a dry cloth (paper towels are better), gently runb off the glue. Then polish. It really does work.


*It can't be much further to Angel-hood...can it?

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Keep going Moderate Clam (what is this guys name?) you're almost there, but take it from me Angel-hood doesn't feel any different!

Why is this? I thought I would feel more more righteous, but nope, just the same as before and still no more respect from my family. Ho hum.

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For removing the stickers from glass. I have used WD-40 (see above) and Autoglym glass cleaner.


I should point out that, I have no relation to Autoglym. Instead I have had the oportunity to use just about every car cleaning product on the market...and yes I choose Autoglym. 9 out of 10 crustations said that they prefered it.

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Without wishing to win the award for pedant of the year, 'tar removers' are a little misleading. The reason being that tar is ver seldom used in highway construction nowadays, it is usually bitumen (yes, i am in the industry).

Before you all shout "anorak!!!" I would point out one important difference - tar is fuel resistant, bitumen is not. This is why tar is only used in lorry parks etc. This means you can easily clean the BITUMEN off your paintwork with a diesel or petrol soaked rag, with no abrasion or dissolving paintwork.

Hope this helps.


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