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Final standings


Overal Championship

1st Adrian Williams

2nd Neil Cavanagh

3rd Matthew Jenkins


all 3 competitors scored a maximum 700 points, so the next best score was taken into account which was 99.58, 99.53 and 0 (respectively) so Adrain wins in by a mere 0.05 points *eek*


Final standings Overall, ladies & novice


Ladies Championship


1st Kate Sankey

2nd Tamara Calvert

3rd Lynda Preece


Novice Championship

1st Neil Fraser

2nd Kevin Evans

3rd Clive McCall



Class Championship Winners

Class 1 = Matthew Jenkins

Class 2 = Danny Malkin

Class 3 = Adrian Williams

Class 4 = Neil Cavanagh

Class 5 = Andrew Griffiths


Full Final Class Standings


note no Class 6 winner due to low entries in this class.


Congratulations to all the winners


Roll on 2008 *smile*


Rob *smile*


Edited by - robmar on 14 Sep 2007 17:27:28


Edited by - robmar on 19 Sep 2007 08:21:56

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Congratulations to all the winners and everyone who enjoyed themselves this season I'm already working on 2008 and hopefully there will be one or two new venues *wink*.


I'll organise the awards lunch in the next week or two and will post the details on here *thumbup*




The top 6 cars in class 5 are as follows:


Andy Griffith - Hyabusa 1500cc

Simon Rogers - R400

Mark Durrant - R500

Rob Grigsby - 2.3 Duratec

Shaun Elwell - 1.9K

Roland Preece - R400+

Ken Evans - SLR


What car do you have?



Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*



Edited by - Mark Durrant on 14 Sep 2007 18:18:48


Edited by - Mark Durrant on 14 Sep 2007 21:21:53

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Congratulations to all, some great driving from what I saw this year, certainly gives me something to aspire too! Appetite firmly whetted, we'll be out much more next year hopefully. Thanks to Mark and everyone who's efforts made it all possible this year *thumbup*



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Well done to all of you class winners. Some inspiring driving been witnessed


Some great battles out on track this year, my most enjoyable season yet, great company and atmosphere, looking forward to next year.


Special mention for Mark Durrant for all the hard work and time he has have given to make it all happen this year (along with the team of helpers that make the whole thing tick).


Many thanks.





SUPERLIGHT 176. PINK LIPS AND BITS *redface* *redface* *redface*

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Thanks DJ


A great season congratulations to all who took part, I've discovered I enjoy watching you all almost as much as driving. Well done to both David and Jeff who were 2nd and 3rd in class 3 and also finished in the top 10 overall, well done boys it's good to see the class doing so well. The competition has been close and more enjoyable for it but the sportsmanship has been outstanding, thank you.


Thanks again for all you've done Mark, roll on 2008



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Just to add the thanks of the Calverts to the above *thumbup* It's been a brilliant season - I can't believe it's over ☹️


Thanks to Mark for all his hard work, to Rob for getting the scores on the doors, to Dom for noting the times and to everyone else who contributed to make this season go so well.


And well done ladies, especially Kate *thumbup* Roll on next season..............



Drowned Rat Racing

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Well done to Adrian and all the winners, only got to see a few events this year but competition seems closer than it ever was.


Hope to come to the awards do to cheer all the winners, may be back competing next year 😬 😬 😬 😬



Looking for a new vocation in life or is that a vacation

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What a fantastic season it has been. Many thanks to Mark for making it so and to the others who helped in various ways. Gill and I have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the 11 rounds we attended and are looking forward to next year. I'm getting withdrawal already 😳. Hope to see a few of you at the awards bash.


Yellow SL *cool* #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing

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*thumbup* to all the winners and big congrats to Neil Cav, your drive at Curborough was really something *mad* *tongue* *thumbup*


I have enjoyed this season the most I've ever done, the atmosphere at events has been brilliant. It's also great to see some newcomers coming in (Julie will hopefully be one next year encouraged by her drive at the Lotus test track 😬)


A special thanks to Mark Durrant for doing a great job that most of us certainly wouldn't want to do *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


See you at the awards 😬


PS. In case you're wondering Neil I wont be doing any mods to my car over the winter apart from maybe adding some weight to help it stick around the corners better 😬


Class 4 Zetec *cool*

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May I also add a big thanks to mark for another superb season! *thumbup* *thumbup*


Fantastic year! After a err....difficult start 😬 😬 where the terrific Mr Nicholls let me share his car it's just got better!!


Looking forward to playing with the big boys in Class 3 next year 😬 *smokin*


Dannyboy *tongue*


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Huge thanks to everyone involved in the championship year, from the people organising it (Mark + many others) through to all the other people that have helped out at various points during the year with the many little hiccups that I've had.


Looking forward to getting back and running next year (once I've stuck the car back together!)




Rob G


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