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Wiscome - what a great w/e


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Well, it was Tam any my first time to Wiscombe and what a great place...


High points which stick in my mind -


- following a local who we hoped knew where he was going to the venue down tiny country lanes, through the forest, into and out of the morning mist and over a ford *eek* - an amazing start to the day

- Having been to venues like Harewood and Lys y Fran, I didn't think that there could be any more picturesque hillclimbs - how wrong!

- The array of machinery from the 1920s (?) onwards all being driven the way they were intended.

- The paddock banter/mickey take/laughter/help and support which is now so typical of the L7 club events.

- Meeting several L7 club members who had come along to spectate and who, having read the reports by a certain Mr Snotes, wanted to talk about what they needed to do to join us next year *thumbup*


Low Points


Commiserations to Adrian and Jeff who had offs - hope the damage is quickly fixed ☹️


Anyway - great weekend, great people, great event. Gutted that the season is nearly at its end.





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Yep, another good weekend. I still don't feel I've got to grips with the Wiscombe Hill fully yet, but at least that leaves some good scope to beat the hill record next year.


The drive down to Wiscombe, with sun-rise across Salisbury Plain and Stone Henge, with whispy layers of cloud/fog around us was idilic.


It is a little sad to think that Wiscombe was my last sprint of the year. Look for XLG to be back next year with a new paint job and slightly less shed like appearance!!

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Yep - a great weekend *thumbup*

Wiscombe is scary but exhilarating and over far too quickly - even for me 😬

Kipper and I both got PBs so came home happy.

Spent yesterday cleaning the car ready for Hethel *thumbup* - well, what else do you do on your 35th wedding anniversary *confused* 😬


See you all Sunday *wavey*


Mrs K


Edited by - Mrs Kipper on 10 Sep 2007 10:06:34

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Mrs K - I spent our 5th wedding anniversary cleaning H5URF ready for Wiscombe. These men don't know how lucky they are 😬


It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend, and as Michael says, a beautiful part of the world. Can I add my thanks to Roger for his advice which I am sure gained me enough time to go sub-50 seconds *thumbup*


See you at Hethel for the season finale


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Hi Simon, what time did you run on saturday?

Your car looks brilliant going up there(youtube vid). I was in the white Exige. my first hillclimb and absolutly loved it. my academy car arrives in december so next season is taken care of then i shall enter the L7 speed champs i hope.


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  • Area Representative


They changed it a few years back from "Competition licence" to "Race licence".

I recall Nick Potter doing quite well in club sprints before his Academy year in 2003, So I guess 2002 was the last year that stated "Competition licence".

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Like Richard said, its now a race licence and comp. licence thing. i can do any event not requiring a race licence. What they do stop you doing is competing in any other form of motor sport governed by the MSA in the same season as your academy. A bit of a shame as i would loved to have done a few more local event with torbay motor club etc.
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I emailed Caterham about this before starting to sprint this year - I wasn't sure I wanted to kill my dream of doing the Academy. Anyway, I got an email back, from Nick Potter I think, saying that as long as I didn't start doing the British Sprint Chapmpionship or anything too serious I would still be eligible for the academy in the future.
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Thank you Englishmaninwales. I started out very nervous about getting in a big pack like that but now i am so eager to get out there and see what i can do.


I hope to pick the kit up myself as this should save a couple weeks of waiting for the single delivery driver. Roll on mid November. *cool*

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