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6 point harness causes leg pain (Common problem ?) he asks.


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I suffered increasing pain in an upper leg during a recent trackday. I put this down to a strained muscle (one of the few). Turned out that, after some more pain and a visit to the Doc's, that it was caused by the tendon in the upper thigh/groin area being agravated by the 5th/6th strap.

Nuralgia parasittica of the natural cutaneous (I think she said, whilst rubbing my upper thigh. (by then, I wasn't listening)) 🥰

I didn't feel that they were too tight, but under braking, they could have been pulling a bit.

Is this a common problem with 6 pointers ?

Can't be a problem with 5 pointers, although, I'm sure, there are other pains to be had with them.

He asked

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Neuralgia Paresthetica - Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve compression


Compression can occur in the abdomen, at the nerve root (spine) or over the front of the pelvis. The latter is the most likely cause. Anatomically, the lap belts would seem to be the more likely cause, not the crotch belts. The nerve doesn't really go anywhere near the crotch belts. As is to be expected from it's name, it supplies the lateral side of the upper leg.


See http://www.aafp.org/afp/20011015/1405_fig9.jpg


If it's tendon pain, it's not neuralgia paresthetica. By definition, neuralgia is nerve pain and the pain would probably appear to be tingling, numbness or burning on the lateral part of your thigh.


Do you get any tingling, pins and needles or numbess? Does it settle quite quickly once you're out of the car? Does it happen when you're driving on the road?



Edited by - Alex Wong on 7 Sep 2007 13:15:14

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Alex, etc

Ive indicated on that digram where the pain is;here.

The are in red is the area that I had intense pain in on the trackday afternoon.

In the early hours of the next day, I has a tingling, developing into numbness in the area in magenta/cyan whateveritis.

The pain that occurred was in the area that I would have gone for to get a femoral pulse. (My fear was that the spreading numbness was an indication of a blood clot that had been forming in the leg. hence a call to the Med Centre at 07:00.)

The pain is being held in check with ibroprofen and is gradually getting less, although the area shaded in magentacyanetc without much feeling, but is gradually getting more sensitive.

This all started at the Snetterton Trackday 2 weeks ago.

When I last went out in the car, I used the lower belts, but started getting the acute pain again. This relented once I reverted to the 4 points.


Does that information supply the detail that you wanted. ?

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