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Delbert - have a fun trip

Golf Juliet Tango

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How exciting Delb ... just like Northern Exposure *eek*


Are you still considering writing a blog of your adventures ... and if so can we read it as well?? *wavey*


It's going to be quiet what with Wile working ( *rolleyes*) and Delb being away ☹️

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Considering a Blog for the dorter but there is a distinct lack of intrest!!!


Borrowed an old lappy from work so I don't take mine and be tempted to log on etc


There is a sweepstake on the size of the return inbox lowest bet so far is 1250


So that will be a mass delete on the 27th!!!!!

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Whoo hoooo!!! I am off to US on 16th!!! To Richmond, Virginia for 5 days, 2 days in LA and then off to Tokyo 😶‍🌫️ (sorry couldn't resist!). Can't wait to go to Japan as never been there before! All work, but still good fun!!!


Ohhhhhh life on the open road....... 😬

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WindyCat - you won't feel suicidal once you get to Norfolk - you are coming to the 50th and bringing MrWindyCat with you, surely?


Del:- lappy for downloading and sorting out piccies? - that should ruin a few perfectly good sightseeing hours!


GJT Crossflow

524 returned to Arch for correction

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GJT - received the tickets this morning (although I tink I actually missed the closing date *rolleyes*), so yes, there is a ray of hope in an otherwise bleak month *smile*

Hopefully we'll be partaking in the Sprint at Hethel ( eeks need to send that form off too!!) and then that's the last event on this season's calender


Son's gone back to school this morning - packing the eldest off to her school tonight ... it all feels a bit weird really!!

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sleep on the return flight


Obviously you have not heard me snore!!!!!!!!


If you hear of passengers on an Air CAnada flight from Vancover taking control of the plane and forcing a landing in the NWT

Then I will have dozed off!!!



(BTW Have to use tabassco not worstershire sauce in the Bloody MAry after another shocking discovery this weekend *eek*)

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All bar 2 of the hotels have either an extensive me and you or there is a rough guide wreck 'o' mendayshun within 3 blocks


Do they repeat on you or summat then

No one of thier ingrediants used to swim the seven seas etc etc 😬




life is too short to dance with ugly women

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WC *wavey* *wavey* *wavey*


I am off on the 16th but I am still going to the 50th 😬 😬 I am going to take my luggage and travel from there to Heathrow on Sunday morning! I cant take the car (bit of a 🙆🏻er) but I am going up with Grubbster instead and the other arf is taking my case etc. So see you soooooon!!!!! *smokin*


If it has tyres or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it 😬

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