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French Hillclimbing


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Dear all,


For many years I have been competing in hillclimb competitions in France. Recently I have been doing so with my 1991 Crossflow powered Classic 7. In recent years I have been organising for other British drivers to participate. French events are nearly always two day events run on a 2.5 to 10 kilometre hill. The cost of an entry is around £65.00 for both days. If anyone is bored with their local 30 second blast or would like to try something more exciting I am always looking to get new drivers across the channel. On the 28,29 and 30th of September we will be doing the 3.2 St Goueno event close to St Malo in Brittany. There will be 30 other Brtish drivers also there.


My e-mail address is Guilleracing@cwgsy.net.

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Sorry Chaps,

my fault! I should have put on the post that I was looking for expressions of interest for next year. I would love to organise an event specifically for Lotus seven and Caterham seven cars.

As far as the classes go, so far, these events have not been for pot hunters. Currently we have two classes for our events Cars with a roof and Cars without. As you can imagine with only up to 30 cars participating, classes are meaningless. Who wants to win a class with only you in it?


In June next year I have up to 50 places at an event in the Loire valley. I would like to have a group just for sevens and there would be a very simple class structure. Road registered and racing versions. You would have to prove that you had driven the car to the event to be able to participate in the road class.


The only stipulation made by the organisers from a piont of view of safety, is that the cars would be able to be used in circuit racing in the UK. I.E. 3 inch wide seatbelts, laminated windscreens and a securely fitted fire extinguisher. This does not have to be plumbed in. The marshall posts in France are up to 200 yards apart.


If I can get sufficient numbers signed up I can get the French organisers to put up an actual 7 cup.


Let me know what you think, I am open to all proposals!


Greg. Guille.



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Hello again,


I will be back in France in a week or so and will be meeting up with some of the French organisers I know. 😬I will get some proper up to date information and try to get something put into LOW FLYING in the next few months. I would really love to get a dedicated Caterham class at an event I know of in the Loire valley that is planned to be run in the week after Le Mans 2008. 2.5 KM long ribbon of tarmac in the middle of a vineyard.


Be warned however, *nono*I have been motor racing since 1985. I have really heard all of the arguments about regulations and " Does he fit into my class because he has a faster car than me?" My biggest rule on these events is "NO WHINING." There are no performance related rules of any kind! Anyone who whines to me that they think they are being done out of something by the rules will be excluded from the event and no refund. The idea of these event is to have FUN.


Currently our rules regarding classes are simply split into open and closed cars with there being no limit on the modifications allowed.


Just a note on noise limits for French events. The regulations are quite specific. PLEASE TURN THAT UP! The noise limit is unlimited db!!!!!!!!!!!


Greg Guille.




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Thanks very much,


I will get a package of information together, as previously stated, the best thing about running as a British entrant on French events is the absence of bureaucratic control, It's a bit like speed meeting in the 70s and 80s with the emphasis being on having some fun. *biggrin* ( We like fun!)


There are already a few brave seven owners making the occasional trip to La Belle France for these events and I would love to make the opportunity to participate, more available to everyone.




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Hi guilleracing,


Presumably in competition licence terms all we need is a UK MSA National A or above license. Looking at the MSA Blue Book (E.2.21.5 or possibly E2.21.9) would seem to apply.


Could you confirm your understanding of license requirements for UK competition license holders please. This requires the event to have a specific status. Many thanks,



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Hi Brian,


The specific French regulation relating to the events specifies that the event be registered with the FFSA ( French MSA.) as a "National et Pilote etranger autorise"

( NPEA level event.) National French level with foreigners allowed to participate. The events I participate in are registered as such. I have contacted the MSA in the past and asked for their opinion on the matter. The licencing department officer I spoke with at the time informed me that as the event was in France and Not England Ireland Scotland or Wales, it was nothing to do with them. The French motorsport federation require that you have a Speed or Circuit licence of any level along with a current road traffic licence of any kind to be allowed to participate. Insurance for the event is provided by the organiser and I have a seperate scheme available to anyone who is concerned that they may fall foul of some strange exemption in the French scheme.


I hope this clears this up.




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