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It indeed was a great day Although it was pouring down with rain in the morning I drove 1H to SPA and signed on for some gorgeous track time. The morning started more then soaking wet, slowly drying up by afternoon and in the evening I could have used my slicks ... Ok, I did need a set of dry clothes half way during the day and several trips to the petrol station but hey 😬 😬 😬


🙅🏻‍♂️ Oh, I only noticed one other "foreigner", a fellow Belgian. How come no one else from the continent showed up? 🙅🏻‍♂️

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I got back about 2 hours ago (just had a nice long soak in the bath).

Great track. I enjoyed it wet and dry. Awesome in places.

Many hours of piloting a Porsche 906 around there on GT Legends was a HUGE help in knowing where I was at all times (what corner comes next) and the right lines to take.

I like the new corners / chicane before the back straight.

The back straight was tretcherous for the first few sessions. La Source hairping was brilliant, backing the 7 in getting the back end to come round brought a smile on. Pouhon always demanded respect and Eau Rouge lived up to the hype.

Er no, it was never going to be 'flat'.

Best circuit I have ever been on and probably ever will.


If i ever go there again (next year?). It will be with a trailer and not staying two nights in a tent 😬


I have much more respect for F1 and other racers driving there now I been there peddled round myself.


Big commiserations to Millsn who was the first to hit the wall.


Good job by Bookatrack *thumbup*


7 never missed a beat and is quite fun with all the attention it gets in France / Belgium.


Nice to see you again Rob and Roger and Barbara.


Nice to have met you Emma and Richard (Orange SV)


Hants (north) / Berkshire club here

Area meeting pics here

My Racing here


Edited by - stevefoster on 23 Aug 2007 17:45:55

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Ditto - great time despite the weather.Feel somewhat lucky after seeing the results of the shunts and the engine stories particularly as I drove there and back. I dont think I'll do that again *nono*......knackered & my hearing is still a bit iffy even though I wore ear defenders.


Next time it'll be a trailer for me.

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Well, even though I had clutch (? ) problems at the end of the Tuesday Bookatrack day I still burnt 80 plus litres of fuel and that was in the dry ....

As has been said, it's an awesome track and I had "sufficient"

Thanks Geoff and Jude (and Mr LeRoux) for getting us there.


Sincere commiserations to those with car damage, and especially to Tony Pashley who certainly took his off (flat out in fifth at Radillon wasn't it Tony ?) very hard.


Nice to meet you Mark (Collins) and sorry I missed you Matthew (Aves), good to see a lot of old friends.


Drove John Powells ex (R400 ???!!!). and I think cars like that should be blackballed. Its about as sporting as taking a machine gun to a pheasant shoot !


A seriously fabulous car and a credit to John ....


I was also reminded how very good a standard Superlight is (thanks Andy (and Ernie Panks....))






Ex Chairman Roger

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My second trip to Spa after last years' Club day, and I thought it was going to be a big disappointment because of the wet weather. I couldn't have been more wrong.......in the morning wet Spa was fun, in the dry of the afternoon it was awesome *cool*


Pedalling 105bhp up Radillon got a bit frustrating in 4th, there doesn't seem to be time to find 3rd when you're at the bottom of Eau Rouge but I did manage to master Pouhon half a lap later, I was often passed on the Kemmel straight only to catch right up again by going flat in 4th exiting the double left at 110 *eek*


The other big challenge for me was getting Blanchimont 2 flat in 5th, something I bottled right up until the last hour when the track was completely dry. It looks like a simple kink left but the outside of the corner comes up much quicker than you think! I'm not sure I prefer the 'new Bus Stop' though, the old one had a lot of character and in three weeks from now I wonder whether the F1 cars will squeeze into such a tight pit entry.......or is there a different pit road I didn't see?


Oh, and driving all the way there, doing the track day, then driving home stuck in traffic around Brussels for an hour before making the train with minutes to spare was more a laugh than a challenge, even though much of it was driven in the pouring rain, with no 'screen or roof. I kept my wet weather gear on throughout the whole day and stayed (almost) bone dry & warm *thumbup* Covered 800 miles in total, about 200 of those on track *tongue*


Big thanks of course to BaT and everyone else involved, I just hope the low turnout ☹️ hasn't put them off organising another Club-only day next year.





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Thanks to Geoff and BookaTrack for the best trackday I've ever done! When I got up on Wednesday morning I was really disappointed that it was wet. Jonny told me that he thought that Spa was even better in the wet than in the dry, and he wasn't wrong - I learnt more about car control in that day than in any driving experience I've ever had.


Like Rich, I hope that the low turnout doesn't prevent it from happening again.



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Sincere commiserations to those with car damage, and especially to Tony Pashley who certainly took his off (flat out in fifth at Radillon wasn't it Tony ?) very hard.


I must have watched the video of Tony's crash about 200 times now and still can't see how it happens. He runs wide over the top of Radillion (haven't we all at some point!) and gets all 4 wheels over the kerb. I can only assume he then gets distracted by a porsche leaving the (endurance) pit lane and turns left (while still all 4 wheels off the tarmac).


What's even more amazing is that Tony is a *very* experienced track driver and it's a very suprising accident for him to have - he doesn't appear to apply any opposite lock once the car changes direction - again I can only assume as a result of being un-nerved by the porsche directly in front of him.


Certainly brings it home that it can happen to any of us at any time.


If I can work out how to translate the video from the proprietory codec into something fit for public consumption i'll email it to Tony - he can then decide if he wants to make it public.





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Amazing how well Wednesday turned out with such unpromising beginnings *thumbup*.

As usual many thanks Geoff to you and your team - the effort that has gone into organising this seasons calendar is much appreciated. Thanks also to Jonny & his very professional BaT organisation.




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Unfortunately for Nigel (Green with yellow stripe) it turned out that Green Flag would not recover the 7. They arranged a hire car / flight home for him though?!


He is now driving to Spa /Stavelot in a hire tow car / borrowed trailer to pick up the 7 on a trailer.

Guess he will be back later on today.

It's mighty hot today. Hope the tow car has aircon...


Hants (north) / Berkshire club here

Area meeting pics here

My Racing here


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If I can work out how to translate the video from the proprietory codec into something fit for public consumption i'll email it to Tony - he can then decide if he wants to make it public.
If you have Vista with Windows Movie Maker installed then it will read the ASF file directly and you can then save it out in a wmv or avi format, as well as edit it. (I had the same kit as Tony, but fortunately not the same experience).


How similar is it to Jackal's accident here?




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