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Simple engine swap?

BYKer Will

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200 views and only 2 replys. Obviously everyone has sensible trousers on today and no wish to engage in silliness.


I knew there was an RST caterham at one point. Is it still going?


Glad you got a go Blade Runner.


Seems like the ultimate bec to me and all I need is 16 k and a fitting kit plus a spare weekend maybe or twenty.



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Originally a brace of exups each with one careless owner but I suspect most of it is now bespoke although the heads and barrels stil look very simillar to my old thunderace.


I'd say it is therefore an honoury bbec. *tongue* *tongue*








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Will, I still have my S3 chassis with this engine in it, and as soon as the car is repaired after a minor contretemps with a mountain in Norway it will be back on the road.


I know your not serious about buying this engine but in case anyone is I suggest you contact Russell Savory who desinged the engine. Blatmail me if anyone needs details, or contact the 7 workshop and talk to Chris.


I note that the ad does not include an ECU, and the only one that appears to work is going to cost around 4K including programming. On top of that you need a special radiator, two laminovas, a lot of plumbing, a bellhousing, clutch, mods to chassis if the diagonal stiffening rails are fitted to the engine bay, two new exhaust systems, a stronger prop, probably a stronger gearbox............etc etc. Definetley not a weekend, or even a totally DIY job.


But it is a fantastic motor!


Blocks are bespoke, heads were Yamaha items but now also bespoke items.


There is one in a 21 in USA, and one SV currently on build with a supercharged 550 HP version.


So now we are 3!


Mine is still the only S3 though.


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one SV currently on build with a supercharged 550 HP version

Holy Mary mother of God *eek* As much as it's nice to think more power is always better surely it must reach a point where it's too much? That said I'd love to try one some day *thumbup*


VX HPC - Loud and proud here

Watch out, whatever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly

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Sounds great Mike. Hope to see and hear one one day.


I said I was being silly (for the moment but you never know) but good to know virtually whatever you need to know someone on here has an answer or knows someone who does.


Best wishes



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The one being built is going to the NE and I dont think the new owner is 'known to us' because I dont think he has a 7 right now, he does have at least one other very interesting Jag though. The new owner is a friend of a business acquaintance of mine and I understand delivery is due sometime in September. I think it will be road legal but its really being bought as a track car. I hope to see it in due course. If I do I will take some pictures.


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Russell did tell me which ECU he uses (but I forget the name) Red Bull F1 use the same one apparently. It records every start and a lot else besides! Thus as soon as an engine goes back to him, he knows what you have been doing to his products 😳.


And how much 😳? I am in no way doubting Russell's skill, hard work or the fabulous quality of the engine, loom and ancillaries (in fact that's the sort of price I would expect) but it is still a lot, in the scales that I work to.


GJT Crossflow

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Russell is a fantastic bloke, i'm sure he will bring the car to the Essex Meet again sometime. He rebuilt the Gearbox on my original blade engine as it was one of his ex race lumps.

At the time I picked the Engine up, he was taking the SV with the Rst-V8 to North wield the following weekend for a Sprint, he said to me I should come over and have a go at the sprint in it *eek*

The only stipulation was if I break it I buy it! *eek*

I did think about going for it, but I thought its an easy way to make myself look very silly in a car I have never driven, trying to push it hard with all that power 😔

and I just didnt have a Spare £15K if I blew the Engine up *redface*


'Pinky Pics' here

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16 grand is obviously a good lunch for that russian bloke with the footy club and about how much a lorry load of wheat has gone up in the last few months for all the farmers tucked up in bed, ready for our early morning traffic jam behind a combine arvestor.


For the rest of us though I have applied a bit of man logic and decided it is good value as well and an opportunity too good to be missed (my darling wife)


I dont know how much say a 350 hp duratec would cost but I have a few bills for building a 180 hp blackbird engine and have worked out the following alterntive solution to get 350 hp and 10,000 rpm.


I know today you would probably start with busa lumps and have done another man logic analysis as well as follows:


2 lightly crashed blackbird engines (with free gearbox) say 1200 each thus £2400

2 Mistral rebuilds and overbore to 1200 cc at say 4000 each thus £8000

2 nova and pace dry sumps kits at say 1000 each thus £2000

Lots of clever man hours to splice together (z cars maybe) say £3000


Hence £15,400


With Busa's the lumps are much dearer secondhand say:


2 lightly crashed busa engines (with free gearbox) say 3000 each thus £6000

2 Mistral rebuilds and minor tweaks at say 2000 each thus £4000

2 nova and pace dry sumps kits ant say 1000 each thus £2000

Lots of clever man hours to splice together (z cars again) say £3000


Thus £15,000


I realise the rst needs a gearbox and installation but I imagine the bike gearboxes wont' last forever strapped together before they need two nova units so I have ignored that in man logic and decided RST is the most sensible choice.


Oh and Essex is close so darling wife would you mind signing this check and this remortage form. Thanks. You look younger tonight. Can I borrow your car to collect it.



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If you want monster power from your bike engine Russell will supercharge it for you.


He recently got 400 HP from a supercharged honda lump in an Atom, so that's another monster power alternative, and much cheaper than an RST, though a fair bit heavier.


Personally, I think a supercharged bike engine would be the way to go for big power and light weight.


The ECU required for the RST is a Pectel


Edited by - Mike Biddle on 24 Aug 2007 08:58:03

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