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My heater leak - updated with the cause! What do I do now??


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*redface* Testing newly fitted shift lights earlier - engine not up to temp but foolishly blipped the throttle to demo to neighbour - then noticed a puddle of coolant below the heater. Switched off, mopped up and then ran engine up to temp with no further signs of a leak, Hoping it hasn't caused a problem - any thoughts? (Besides 'good time to remove the heater' 😬)


Edited by - grubbster on 4 Aug 2007 22:00:50


Edited by - grubbster on 24 Aug 2007 20:32:06

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I think what Gridgway is trying to point out is that a leak is a leak. If you've had evidence of a leak then there is cause of a leak and that root cause needs fixing. Not fixing an obvious symptom consisting of a leak means a compromised cooling system at best and normal K-series outcomes at worst.
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Hmm, it just seemed really odd - never had any problem before. Seems the leak was inside the heater as coolant came out of the vents, all over in seconds (one throttle blip) but after stopping and rerunning no problem. Haven't driven it at all (not since 7/7/7 in fact). Earlier today had it running for ages, fan cutting in and out and no problems at all. Trust me to decide to show someone the shift lights ☹️


I don't think the heater comes apart does it?


I'll ensure I check everything before going anywhere.


Edited by - Grubbster on 4 Aug 2007 22:47:00

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Definitely coolant Peter - bright pink! The heater wasn't bolted in at the time (I have had the scuttle off for a few days doing a few longstanding jobs behind the dash), *idea*maybe the fact I have been twisting and moving the heater about to aid access has caused the problem - I may have weakened a pipe fixing or cracked something in the matrix possibly? Seems strange it is OK now.


Good idea Graham - I'll look into that.

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What i s this, "The Ridgway Carmicheal double act." 😬 😬


Steve, I think you just hit the nail on the head with your last post. Sounds like it should have been a case of if it ain't broke.....



Sussex (West) AO

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear

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Grubbster, do you have a cat?


The feline sort, that is......they do have a habit of sitting on the heater vents, or in the footwells....and the slightest little urinary infection can cause a pink colouration of the liquid 'offering' that the feline may have left in your car......thank goodness you didn't do the 'taste test' *eek*


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..ooooh hooo hooo!!...

😬 😬Abbey Road Time-Machine *eek* *eek*


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Thanks for that thought Unckie Fess, but no it is certainly coolant *tongue*


Removed the heater today (what a flippin mess that makes! coolant everywhere!), and connected the hoses up, bled and all is OK now. I pulled the heater apart and there is definitely coolant leaking from within (or rather there was at the time in question). I think it may be where the hose is fitted on - with the crimped clip but I need to dismantle further to be sure (or pressure test it). Anyway, I may have just joined the 'no heater' gang by default, whatever next? I'll probably get a chip in the windscreen and end up going aero I s'pose! 😬

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In my experience the pre-2005 style heater matrix is prone to leak (I went through two in about 1000 miles) I guess a blip with the stat shut would put a higher pressure on the heater matrix, especially on the inlet side (it was the inlet side of the matrix that leaked on both of my heaters but I did not investigate too closely as they went back to Caterham for them to check out.
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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, update - I have found the leak after dismantling the heater and using compressed air to pressurise the matrix under water.


The 2 hoses that go onto the heater matrix are attached to 2 plastic 'lugs' which are mounted on a flange which is screwed to the matix. It is very easy to 'flex' the lug sufficiently to open up a small gap under the mounting flange and therefore a leak. With all the pulling a prodding around I did with the scuttle off I must have stressed this joint and caused a leak (that seemed to cure itself again when the heater was fitted in place correctly).


So, now I have the heater all in bits I'd like to fix it. I suppose I'll have to make a new gasket and give it a try - unless anyone knows who the heater matrix supplier is (or what other car it is used on???). Then I can put the whole thing back together and refit it (saving £250 - the new price *eek*). Any suggestions?


And no - I don't want to leave it out, twas blimmin freezing the other night on the run back from the Pheonix ☹️


Quick edit *wavey*


Just unscrewed the flange - no gasket but 2 rubber O rings, looks like an easyish fix if I can find the right size *thumbup*




Edited by - Grubbster on 24 Aug 2007 22:55:20

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Recall seeing an old thread on this subject, and someone sourced the matrix from elsewhere for around £50 ??


Time for a search over last 2 years in techtalk methinks !



And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking...


And racing around to come up behind you again. new link to photos

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